In the news:
Invited talks from members of the Rosen Lab from the 26th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM held in Paris 16-21 June 2018.
- Dr. Bo Zhu, Deep Learning MR Reconstruction with AUTOMAP in real-world acquisitions with imperfect training.
- Dr. Matthew Rosen, Millitesla MRI: Improving signal and reducing noise, given in the Portable MRI Systems for Point-of-Care & Mobile Applications Member-Initiated Symposium
14 May: Happy to announce the publication of our work, “Rapid and quantitative chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging with magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF),” as a Full Paper in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 44, pp. 799–15, May 2018.
28 April: AUTOMAP is featured in "Research Highlights" in the May 2018 issue of Nature Methods, "AI transforms image reconstruction." Read a copy here.
9 April: We are happy to announce the publication of our work "MR fingerprinting Deep ReOonstruction NEtwork (DRONE)" as a Rapid Communication in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Congratulations to Ouri and Bo! This is currently on the Early View here.
8 April: We are in the process of bundling the AUTOMAP codebase for easy distribuition. In the meantime, there are several groups who have implemented the key AUTOMAP architecture: here and here. We are also putting together an FAQ shortly!
22 March: We are thrilled to announce the publication of our work "Image reconstruction by domain-transform manifold learning" in Nature on 22 March 2018! Congratulations to the whole team: lead author Bo Zhu, PhD, Graduate student Jeremiah Liu, and Martinos Center collaborators Stephen Cauley, PhD, Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, (no relation to Matt!) and Matt Rosen PhD AUTOMAP press release is located here.
1 March: We are happy to announce the publication of our work "An Overhauser-enhanced-MRI platform for dynamic free radical imaging in vivo" in NMR in Biomedicine. Congratulations to David Waddington and the whole team!
Congratulations to David Waddington, and his outstanding TEDx talk on Innovation and Invention!
Very happy to announce the launch of the Center for Machine Learning at Martinos (CML@M)!
Matt gave a talk in May at the 2017 LDV Capital Vision Summit in NYC about Deconstructing MRI.
Invited talks from members of the LFI Lab from the 25th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM held in Honolulu Hawaii 22-27 April 2017.
- Dr. Ouri Cohen, Deep learning for fast MRF reconstruction
- Dr. Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley, Improved uniformity of the spatial PSF for portable MRI using an optimized rotating magnet
- Dr. Bo Zhu, Neural network MRI reconstruction with AUTOMAP: AUtomated TransfOrm by Manifold APproximation
- Dr. Chris Farrar, Quantitative Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) imaging with Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Press release: Nanodiamond-enhanced MRI: A Dazzling New Approach to Imaging
Press release for Dr. Bo Zhu's work on a new noninvasive approach to diagnosing liver fibrosis, featured in the journal Hepatology.
Building tomorrow’s MRI — faster, smaller, and cheaper, Video interview with Dr. Matt Rosen on STAT News "Science Happens" 3 Feb 2-2017.
Invited talks from members of the LFI Lab from the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM held in Singapore 7-13 May 2016.
- David Waddington, Nanodiamond imaging with room temperature dynamic nuclear polarization
- Dr. Ouri Cohen, In vivo optimized fast MR fingerprinting in the human brain
- Dr. Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley Portable MRI with rotating inhomogeneous magnetic fields
- Dr. Matthew Rosen, Millitesla MRI: brain and beyond
Press release: Low-Cost, High-Performance MRI Opens New Opportunities For Brain Imaging
Invited talks from members of the LFI Lab from the 23th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM held in Toronto 30 May-5 June 2015.
- Dr. Najat Salameh, Magnetic Resonance Elastography in the Presence of Iron Overload
- Dr. Mathieu Sarracanie, Dynamic in vivo free radical imaging with Overhauser-enhanced MRI
- Dr. Mathieu Sarracanie, Low-cost high performance MRI
- Dr. Jason Stockmann, Transmit array spatial encoding (TRASE) using broadband WURST pusles for robust spatial encoding in inhomogeneous B0 fields
- Dr. Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley, 3D Imaging in a portable MRI scanner using rotating spatial encoding magnetic fields and transmit array spatial encoding (TRASE)
Martinos Center spotlight on Matt Rosen's scientific glass blowing for gas hyperpolarization systems
Matt talks to German magazine about MRI, football and nerds
Matt talks to MIT's Technology Review about early detection of brain injury with free radical sensitive MRI
Invited talk by Matt Rosen at the "Next Generation Medical Imaging Workshop" at Carnegie Mellon University, 5-6 September 2012.
The November 2010 issue of Popular Science features an article about our scanner and low-field laboratory at the Martinos Center. Check out "The DIY MRI".
Technology Review
This article in MIT's Technology Review gives a nice overview of orientation-variable lung imaging in our scanner.