(vertices, pos=None, values=None, hemi=None, comment=”, name=None, filename=None, subject=None, color=None, verbose=None)[source]¶A FreeSurfer/MNE label with vertices restricted to one hemisphere.
Labels can be combined with the +
- Duplicate vertices are removed.
- If duplicate vertices have conflicting position values, an error is raised.
- Values of duplicate vertices are summed.
Parameters: | vertices : array (length N)
pos : array (N by 3) | None
values : array (length N) | None
hemi : ‘lh’ | ‘rh’
comment : str
name : str
filename : str
subject : str | None
color : None | matplotlib color
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
color | (None | tuple) Default label color, represented as RGBA tuple with values between 0 and 1. |
comment | (str) Comment from the first line of the label file. |
hemi | (‘lh’ | ‘rh’) Hemisphere. |
name | (None | str) A name for the label. It is OK to change that attribute manually. |
pos | (array, shape = (n_pos, 3)) Locations in meters. |
subject | (str | None) Subject name. It is best practice to set this to the proper value on initialization, but it can also be set manually. |
values | (array, len = n_pos) Values at the vertices. |
verbose | (bool, str, int, or None) See above. |
vertices | (array, len = n_pos) Vertex indices (0 based) |
__add__ (other) |
Add BiHemiLabels. |
__hash__ () <==> hash(x) |
__len__ () |
Return the number of vertices. |
__sub__ (other) |
Subtract BiHemiLabels. |
center_of_mass ([subject, restrict_vertices, …]) |
Compute the center of mass of the label. |
copy () |
Copy the label instance. |
fill (src[, name]) |
Fill the surface between sources for a source space label. |
get_tris (tris[, vertices]) |
Get the source space’s triangles inside the label. |
get_vertices_used ([vertices]) |
Get the source space’s vertices inside the label. |
morph ([subject_from, subject_to, smooth, …]) |
Morph the label. |
save (filename) |
Write to disk as FreeSurfer *.label file. |
smooth ([subject, smooth, grade, …]) |
Smooth the label. |
split ([parts, subject, subjects_dir, freesurfer]) |
Split the Label into two or more parts. |
() <==> hash(x)¶center_of_mass
(subject=None, restrict_vertices=False, subjects_dir=None, surf=’sphere’)[source]¶Compute the center of mass of the label.
This function computes the spatial center of mass on the surface as in [R15].
Parameters: | subject : string | None
restrict_vertices : bool | array of int | instance of SourceSpaces
subjects_dir : str, or None
surf : str
Returns: | vertex : int
See also
[R15] | (1, 2) Larson and Lee, “The cortical dynamics underlying effective switching of auditory spatial attention”, NeuroImage 2012. |
(src, name=None)[source]¶Fill the surface between sources for a source space label.
Parameters: | src : SourceSpaces
name : None | str
Returns: | label : Label
(tris, vertices=None)[source]¶Get the source space’s triangles inside the label.
Parameters: | tris : ndarray of int, shape (n_tris, 3)
vertices : ndarray of int, shape (n_vertices,) | None
Returns: | label_tris : ndarray of int, shape (n_tris, 3)
(vertices=None)[source]¶Get the source space’s vertices inside the label.
Parameters: | vertices : ndarray of int, shape (n_vertices,) | None
Returns: | label_verts : ndarray of in, shape (n_label_vertices,)
(subject_from=None, subject_to=None, smooth=5, grade=None, subjects_dir=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=None)[source]¶Morph the label.
Useful for transforming a label from one subject to another.
Parameters: | subject_from : str | None
subject_to : str
smooth : int
grade : int, list (of two arrays), array, or None
subjects_dir : string, or None
n_jobs : int
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
Returns: | label : instance of Label
This function will set label.pos to be all zeros. If the positions on the new surface are required, consider using mne.read_surface with label.vertices.
(filename)[source]¶Write to disk as FreeSurfer *.label file.
Parameters: | filename : string
Note that due to file specification limitations, the Label’s subject and color attributes are not saved to disk.
(subject=None, smooth=2, grade=None, subjects_dir=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=None)[source]¶Smooth the label.
Useful for filling in labels made in a decimated source space for display.
Parameters: | subject : str | None
smooth : int
grade : int, list (of two arrays), array, or None
subjects_dir : string, or None
n_jobs : int
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
Returns: | label : instance of Label
This function will set label.pos to be all zeros. If the positions on the new surface are required, consider using mne.read_surface with label.vertices.
(parts=2, subject=None, subjects_dir=None, freesurfer=False)[source]¶Split the Label into two or more parts.
Parameters: | parts : int >= 2 | tuple of str | str
subject : None | str
subjects_dir : None | str
freesurfer : bool
Returns: | labels : list of Label (len = n_parts)
If using ‘contiguous’ split, you must ensure that the label being split
uses the same triangular resolution as the surface mesh files in
Also, some small fringe labels may be returned that
are close (but not connected) to the large components.
The spatial split finds the label’s principal eigen-axis on the spherical surface, projects all label vertex coordinates onto this axis, and divides them at regular spatial intervals.