(picks=None, cv=5, clf=None, train_times=None, test_times=None, predict_method=’predict’, predict_mode=’cross-validation’, scorer=None, score_mode=’mean-fold-wise’, n_jobs=1)[source]¶Generalize across time and conditions.
Creates an estimator object used to 1) fit a series of classifiers on multidimensional time-resolved data, and 2) test the ability of each classifier to generalize across other time samples, as in [R37].
Parameters: | picks : array-like of int | None
cv : int | object
clf : object | None
train_times : dict | None
test_times : ‘diagonal’ | dict | None, optional
predict_method : str
predict_mode : {‘cross-validation’, ‘mean-prediction’}
scorer : object | None | str
score_mode : {‘fold-wise’, ‘mean-fold-wise’, ‘mean-sample-wise’}
n_jobs : int
See also
[R37] | (1, 2) Jean-Remi King, Alexandre Gramfort, Aaron Schurger, Lionel Naccache and Stanislas Dehaene, “Two distinct dynamic modes subtend the detection of unexpected sounds”, PLoS ONE, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085791 |
New in version 0.9.0.
picks_ |
(array-like of int | None) The channels indices to include. |
ch_names | (list, array-like, shape (n_channels,)) Names of the channels used for training. |
y_train_ |
(list | ndarray, shape (n_samples,)) The categories used for training. |
train_times_ |
(dict) A dictionary that configures the training times: * slices : ndarray, shape (n_clfs,) Array of time slices (in indices) used for each classifier. If not given, computed from ‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘length’, ‘step’. * times : ndarray, shape (n_clfs,) The training times (in seconds). |
test_times_ |
(dict) A dictionary that configures the testing times for each training time: slices : ndarray, shape (n_clfs, n_testing_times) Array of time slices (in indices) used for each classifier. times : ndarray, shape (n_clfs, n_testing_times) The testing times (in seconds) for each training time. |
cv_ |
(CrossValidation object) The actual CrossValidation input depending on y. |
estimators_ |
(list of list of scikit-learn.base.BaseEstimator subclasses.) The estimators for each time point and each fold. |
y_pred_ |
(list of lists of arrays of floats, shape (n_train_times, n_test_times, n_epochs, n_prediction_dims)) The single-trial predictions estimated by self.predict() at each training time and each testing time. Note that the number of testing times per training time need not be regular, else np.shape(y_pred_) = (n_train_time, n_test_time, n_epochs). |
y_true_ |
(list | ndarray, shape (n_samples,)) The categories used for scoring y_pred_ . |
scorer_ |
(object) scikit-learn Scorer instance. |
scores_ |
(list of lists of float) The scores estimated by self.scorer_ at each training time and each testing time (e.g. mean accuracy of self.predict(X)). Note that the number of testing times per training time need not be regular; else, np.shape(scores) = (n_train_time, n_test_time) . |
__hash__ () <==> hash(x) |
fit (epochs[, y]) |
Train a classifier on each specified time slice. |
plot ([title, vmin, vmax, tlim, ax, cmap, …]) |
Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object. |
plot_diagonal ([title, xmin, xmax, ymin, …]) |
Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object. |
plot_times (train_time[, title, xmin, xmax, …]) |
Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object. |
predict (epochs) |
Get predictions of classifiers on each specified testing time slice. |
score ([epochs, y]) |
Score Epochs. |
() <==> hash(x)¶fit
(epochs, y=None)[source]¶Train a classifier on each specified time slice.
This function sets the picks_
, ch_names
, cv_
, train_times_
and estimators_
Parameters: | epochs : instance of Epochs
y : list or ndarray of int, shape (n_samples,) or None, optional
Returns: | self : GeneralizationAcrossTime
If X and y are not C-ordered and contiguous arrays of np.float64 and X is not a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, X and/or y may be copied.
If X is a dense array, then the other methods will not support sparse matrices as input.
(title=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, tlim=None, ax=None, cmap=’RdBu_r’, show=True, colorbar=True, xlabel=True, ylabel=True)[source]¶Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object.
Plot the score of each classifier at each tested time window.
Parameters: | title : str | None
vmin : float | None
vmax : float | None
tlim : ndarray, (train_min, test_max) | None
ax : object | None
cmap : str | cmap object
show : bool
colorbar : bool
xlabel : bool
ylabel : bool
Returns: | fig : instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure
(title=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ax=None, show=True, color=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, legend=True, chance=True, label=’Classif. score’)[source]¶Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object.
Plot each classifier score trained and tested at identical time windows.
Parameters: | title : str | None
xmin : float | None, optional
xmax : float | None, optional
ymin : float | None, optional
ymax : float | None, optional
ax : object | None
show : bool
color : str
xlabel : bool
ylabel : bool
legend : bool
chance : bool | float. Defaults to None
label : str
Returns: | fig : instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure
(train_time, title=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ax=None, show=True, color=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, legend=True, chance=True, label=’Classif. score’)[source]¶Plot GeneralizationAcrossTime object.
Plot the scores of the classifier trained at specific training time(s).
Parameters: | train_time : float | list or array of float
title : str | None
xmin : float | None, optional
xmax : float | None, optional
ymin : float | None, optional
ymax : float | None, optional
ax : object | None
show : bool
color : str or list of str
xlabel : bool
ylabel : bool
legend : bool
chance : bool | float.
label : str
Returns: | fig : instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure
(epochs)[source]¶Get predictions of classifiers on each specified testing time slice.
This function sets the y_pred_
and test_times_
Parameters: | epochs : instance of Epochs
Returns: | y_pred : list of lists of arrays of floats, shape (n_train_t, n_test_t, n_epochs, n_prediction_dims)
(epochs=None, y=None)[source]¶Score Epochs.
Estimate scores across trials by comparing the prediction estimated for each trial to its true value.
Calls predict()
if it has not been already.
The function updates the scorer_
, scores_
, and
If predict_mode
is ‘mean-prediction’, score_mode
automatically set to ‘mean-sample-wise’.
Parameters: | epochs : instance of Epochs | None, optional
y : list | ndarray, shape (n_epochs,) | None, optional
Returns: | scores : list of lists of float