(epochs, head_pos=None, orig_sfreq=None, picks=None, origin=’auto’, weight_all=True, int_order=8, ext_order=3, destination=None, ignore_ref=False, return_mapping=False, mag_scale=100.0, verbose=None)[source]¶Average data using Maxwell filtering, transforming using head positions.
Parameters: | epochs : instance of Epochs
head_pos : array | tuple | None
orig_sfreq : float | None
picks : array-like of int | None
origin : array-like, shape (3,) | str
weight_all : bool
int_order : int
ext_order : int
regularize : str | None
destination : str | array-like, shape (3,) | None
ignore_ref : bool
return_mapping : bool
mag_scale : float | str
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
Returns: | evoked : instance of Evoked
The Maxwell filtering version of this algorithm is described in [R41], in section V.B “Virtual signals and movement correction”, equations 40-44. For additional validation, see [R42].
Regularization has not been added because in testing it appears to decrease dipole localization accuracy relative to using all components. Fine calibration and cross-talk cancellation, however, could be added to this algorithm based on user demand.
New in version 0.11.
[R41] | (1, 2) Taulu S. and Kajola M. “Presentation of electromagnetic multichannel data: The signal space separation method,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 97, pp. 124905 1-10, 2005. |
[R42] | (1, 2) Wehner DT, Hämäläinen MS, Mody M, Ahlfors SP. “Head movements of children in MEG: Quantification, effects on source estimation, and compensation. NeuroImage 40:541–550, 2008. |