(info_fname=None, subjects_dir=None, subject=None, title=None, cov_fname=None, baseline=None, verbose=None)[source]¶Object for rendering HTML.
Parameters: | info_fname : str
subjects_dir : str | None
subject : str | None
title : str
cov_fname : str
baseline : None or tuple of length 2 (default (None, 0))
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
To toggle the show/hide state of all sections in the html report, press ‘t’
New in version 0.8.0.
__hash__ () <==> hash(x) |
__len__ () |
Return the number of items in report. |
add_bem_to_section (subject[, caption, …]) |
Render a bem slider html str. |
add_figs_to_section (figs, captions[, …]) |
Append custom user-defined figures. |
add_htmls_to_section (htmls, captions[, section]) |
Append htmls to the report. |
add_images_to_section (fnames, captions[, …]) |
Append custom user-defined images. |
add_slider_to_section (figs[, captions, …]) |
Render a slider of figs to the report. |
parse_folder (data_path[, pattern, n_jobs, …]) |
Render all the files in the folder. |
save ([fname, open_browser, overwrite]) |
Save html report and open it in browser. |
() <==> hash(x)¶add_bem_to_section
(subject, caption=’BEM’, section=’bem’, decim=2, n_jobs=1, subjects_dir=None)[source]¶Render a bem slider html str.
Parameters: | subject : str
caption : str
section : str
decim : int
n_jobs : int
subjects_dir : str | None
New in version 0.9.0.
(figs, captions, section=’custom’, scale=None, image_format=’png’, comments=None)[source]¶Append custom user-defined figures.
Parameters: | figs : list of figures.
captions : list of str
section : str
scale : float | None | callable
image_format : {‘png’, ‘svg’}
comments : None | str | list of str
(htmls, captions, section=’custom’)[source]¶Append htmls to the report.
Parameters: | htmls : str | list of str
captions : str | list of str
section : str
New in version 0.9.0.
(fnames, captions, scale=None, section=’custom’, comments=None)[source]¶Append custom user-defined images.
Parameters: | fnames : str | list of str
captions : str | list of str
scale : float | None
section : str
comments : None | str | list of str
(figs, captions=None, section=’custom’, title=’Slider’, scale=None, image_format=’png’)[source]¶Render a slider of figs to the report.
Parameters: | figs : list of figures.
captions : list of str | list of float | None
section : str
title : str
scale : float | None | callable
image_format : {‘png’, ‘svg’}
New in version 0.10.0.
(data_path, pattern=’*.fif’, n_jobs=1, mri_decim=2, sort_sections=True, on_error=’warn’, verbose=None)[source]¶Render all the files in the folder.
Parameters: | data_path : str
pattern : str | list of str
n_jobs : int
mri_decim : int
sort_sections : bool
on_error : str
verbose : bool, str, int, or None