
mne.scale_bem(subject_to, bem_name, subject_from=None, scale=None, subjects_dir=None)[source]

Scale a bem file.


subject_to : str

Name of the scaled MRI subject (the destination mri subject).

bem_name : str

Name of the bem file. For example, to scale fsaverage-inner_skull-bem.fif, the bem_name would be “inner_skull-bem”.

subject_from : None | str

The subject from which to read the source space. If None, subject_from is read from subject_to’s config file.

scale : None | float | array, shape = (3,)

Scaling factor. Has to be specified if subjects_from is specified, otherwise it is read from subject_to’s config file.

subjects_dir : None | str

Override the SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable.