(con, node_names, indices=None, n_lines=None, node_angles=None, node_width=None, node_colors=None, facecolor=’black’, textcolor=’white’, node_edgecolor=’black’, linewidth=1.5, colormap=’hot’, vmin=None, vmax=None, colorbar=True, title=None, colorbar_size=0.2, colorbar_pos=(-0.3, 0.1), fontsize_title=12, fontsize_names=8, fontsize_colorbar=8, padding=6.0, fig=None, subplot=111, interactive=True, node_linewidth=2.0, show=True)[source]¶Visualize connectivity as a circular graph.
Note: This code is based on the circle graph example by Nicolas P. Rougier
Parameters: | con : array
node_names : list of str
indices : tuple of arrays | None
n_lines : int | None
node_angles : array, shape=(len(node_names,)) | None
node_width : float | None
node_colors : list of tuples | list of str
facecolor : str
textcolor : str
node_edgecolor : str
linewidth : float
colormap : str
vmin : float | None
vmax : float | None
colorbar : bool
title : str
colorbar_size : float
colorbar_pos : 2-tuple
fontsize_title : int
fontsize_names : int
fontsize_colorbar : int
padding : float
fig : None | instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
subplot : int | 3-tuple
interactive : bool
node_linewidth : float
show : bool
Returns: | fig : instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
axes : instance of matplotlib.axes.PolarAxesSubplot