(dipoles, trans, subject, subjects_dir=None, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), opacity=0.3, brain_color=(1, 1, 0), fig_name=None, fig_size=(600, 600), mode=None, scale_factor=0.01, colors=None, coord_frame=’mri’, idx=’gof’, show_all=True, ax=None, block=False, show=True, verbose=None)[source]¶Plot dipole locations.
If mode is set to ‘cone’ or ‘sphere’, only the location of the first time point of each dipole is shown else use the show_all parameter.
The option mode=’orthoview’ was added in version 0.14.
Using mode with option ‘cone’ or ‘sphere’ will be deprecated in version 0.15.
Parameters: | dipoles : list of instances of Dipole | Dipole
trans : dict
subject : str
subjects_dir : None | str
bgcolor : tuple of length 3
opacity : float in [0, 1]
brain_color : tuple of length 3
fig_name : str
fig_size : tuple of length 2
mode : str
scale_factor : float
colors: list of colors | None
coord_frame : str
idx : int | ‘gof’ | ‘amplitude’
show_all : bool
ax : instance of matplotlib Axes3D | None
block : bool
show : bool
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
Returns: | fig : instance of mlab.Figure or matplotlib Figure
New in version 0.9.0.