
mne.viz.plot_ica_properties(ica, inst, picks=None, axes=None, dB=True, plot_std=True, topomap_args=None, image_args=None, psd_args=None, figsize=None, show=True)[source]

Display component properties.

Properties include the topography, epochs image, ERP/ERF, power spectrum, and epoch variance.


ica : instance of mne.preprocessing.ICA

The ICA solution.

inst: instance of Epochs or Raw

The data to use in plotting properties.

picks : int | array-like of int | None

The components to be displayed. If None, plot will show the first five sources. If more than one components were chosen in the picks, each one will be plotted in a separate figure. Defaults to None.

axes: list of matplotlib axes | None

List of five matplotlib axes to use in plotting: [topomap_axis, image_axis, erp_axis, spectrum_axis, variance_axis]. If None a new figure with relevant axes is created. Defaults to None.

dB: bool

Whether to plot spectrum in dB. Defaults to True.

plot_std: bool | float

Whether to plot standard deviation in ERP/ERF and spectrum plots. Defaults to True, which plots one standard deviation above/below. If set to float allows to control how many standard deviations are plotted. For example 2.5 will plot 2.5 standard deviation above/below.

topomap_args : dict | None

Dictionary of arguments to plot_topomap. If None, doesn’t pass any additional arguments. Defaults to None.

image_args : dict | None

Dictionary of arguments to plot_epochs_image. If None, doesn’t pass any additional arguments. Defaults to None.

psd_args : dict | None

Dictionary of arguments to psd_multitaper. If None, doesn’t pass any additional arguments. Defaults to None.

figsize : array-like of size (2,) | None

Allows to control size of the figure. If None, the figure size defauls to [7., 6.].

show : bool

Show figure if True.


fig : list

List of matplotlib figures.


New in version 0.13.