C API Reference

Note that most programs have the options --version and --help which give the version information and usage information, respectively.


List of components

Software components

Name Purpose
mne_analyze An interactive analysis tool for computing source estimates, see Interactive analysis with mne_analyze.
mne_average_estimates Average data across subjects.
mne_browse_raw Interactive raw data browser. Includes filtering, offline averaging, and computation of covariance matrices, see Browsing raw data with mne_browse_raw.
mne_compute_mne Computes the minimum-norm estimates, Most functionality is included in mne_make_movie.
mne_compute_raw_inverse Compute the inverse solution from raw data see Computing inverse from raw and evoked data.
mne_convert_mne_data Convert MNE data files to other file formats.
mne_do_forward_solution Convenience script to calculate the forward solution matrix, see Computing the forward solution.
mne_do_inverse_operator Convenience script for inverse operator decomposition, see Calculating the inverse operator.
mne_forward_solution Calculate the forward solution matrix, see Computing the forward solution.
mne_inverse_operator Compute the inverse operator decomposition see Inverse-operator decomposition.
mne_make_movie Make movies in batch mode, see Producing movies and snapshots.
mne_make_source_space Create a fif source space description file, see Creating a surface-based source space.
mne_process_raw A batch-mode version of mne_browse_raw, see Browsing raw data with mne_browse_raw.
mne_redo_file Many intermediate result files contain a description of their ‘production environment’. Such files can be recreated easily with this utility. This is convenient if, for example, the selection of bad channels is changed and the inverse operator decomposition has to be recalculated.
mne_redo_file_nocwd Works like mne_redo_file but does not try to change in to the working directory specified in the ‘production environment’.
mne_setup_forward_model Set up the BEM-related fif files, see Setting up the boundary-element model.
mne_setup_mri A convenience script to create the fif files describing the anatomical MRI data, see Setting up anatomical MR images for MRIlab
mne_setup_source_space A convenience script to create source space description file, see Setting up the source space.
mne_show_environment Show information about the production environment of a file.


Name Purpose
mne_add_patch_info Add neighborhood information to a source space file.
mne_add_to_meas_info Utility to add new information to the measurement info block of a fif file. The source of information is another fif file.
mne_add_triggers Modify the trigger channel STI 014 in a raw data file. The same effect can be reached by using an event file for averaging in mne_process_raw and mne_browse_raw.
mne_annot2labels Convert parcellation data into label files.
mne_anonymize Remove subject-specific information from a fif data file.
mne_average_forward_solutions Calculate an average of forward solutions, see Averaging forward solutions.
mne_brain_vision2fiff Convert EEG data from BrainVision format to fif format.
mne_change_baselines Change the dc offsets according to specifications given in a text file.
mne_change_nave Change the number of averages in an evoked-response data file. This is often necessary if the file was derived from several files.
mne_check_eeg_locations Checks that the EEG electrode locations have been correctly transferred from the Polhemus data block to the channel information tags
mne_check_surface Check the validity of a FreeSurfer surface file or one of the surfaces within a BEM file. This program simply checks for topological errors in surface files.
mne_collect_transforms Collect coordinate transformations from several sources into a single fif file.
mne_compensate_data Change the applied software gradient compensation in an evoked-response data file, see Applying software gradient compensation.
mne_copy_processing_history Copy the processing history between files.
mne_convert_dig_data Convert digitization data between different formats.
mne_convert_lspcov Convert the LISP format noise covariance matrix output by graph into fif.
mne_convert_ncov Convert the ncov format noise covariance file to fif.
mne_convert_surface Convert FreeSurfer and text format surface files into Matlab mat files.
mne_cov2proj Pick eigenvectors from a covariance matrix and create a signal-space projection (SSP) file out of them.
mne_create_comp_data Create a fif file containing software gradient compensation information from a text file.
mne_ctf2fiff Convert a CTF ds folder into a fif file.
mne_ctf_dig2fiff Convert text format digitization data to fif format.
mne_dicom_essentials List essential information from a DICOM file. This utility is used by the script mne_organize_dicom, see Organizing MRI data into directories.
mne_edf2fiff Convert EEG data from the EDF/EDF+/BDF formats to the fif format.
mne_epochs2mat Apply bandpass filter to raw data and extract epochs for subsequent processing in Matlab.
mne_evoked_data_summary List summary of averaged data from a fif file to the standard output.
mne_eximia2fiff Convert EEG data from the Nexstim eXimia system to fif format.
mne_fit_sphere_to_surf Fit a sphere to a surface given in fif or FreeSurfer format.
mne_fix_mag_coil_types Update the coil types for magnetometers in a fif file.
mne_fix_stim14 Fix coding errors of trigger channel STI 014, see Cleaning the digital trigger channel.
mne_flash_bem Create BEM tessellation using multi-echo FLASH MRI data, see Using FLASH images.
mne_insert_4D_comp Read Magnes compensation channel data from a text file and merge it with raw data from other channels in a fif file.
mne_kit2fiff Convert KIT data to FIF.
mne_list_bem List BEM information in text format.
mne_list_coil_def Create the coil description file. This is run automatically at when the software is set up, see Creating the coil definition file.
mne_list_proj List signal-space projection data from a fif file.
mne_list_source_space List source space information in text format suitable for importing into Neuromag MRIlab.
mne_list_versions List versions and compilation dates of MNE software modules.
mne_make_cor_set Used by mne_setup_mri to create fif format MRI description files from COR or mgh/mgz format MRI data, see Setting up anatomical MR images for MRIlab.
mne_make_derivations Create a channel derivation data file.
mne_make_eeg_layout Make a topographical trace layout file using the EEG electrode locations from an actual measurement.
mne_make_morph_maps Precompute the mapping data needed for morphing between subjects, see Precomputing the morphing maps.
mne_make_uniform_stc Create a spatially uniform stc file for testing purposes.
mne_mark_bad_channels Update the list of unusable channels in a data file
mne_morph_labels Morph label file definitions between subjects.
mne_organize_dicom Organized DICOM MRI image files into directories, see Organizing MRI data into directories.
mne_prepare_bem_model Perform the geometry calculations for BEM forward solutions, see Computing the BEM geometry data.
mne_process_stc Manipulate stc files.
mne_raw2mat Convert raw data into a Matlab file.
mne_rename_channels Change the names and types of channels in a fif file.
mne_sensitivity_map Compute a sensitivity map and output the result in a w-file.
mne_sensor_locations Create a file containing the sensor locations in text format.
mne_show_fiff List contents of a fif file.
mne_simu Simulate MEG and EEG data.
mne_smooth Smooth a w or stc file.
mne_surf2bem Create a fif file describing the triangulated compartment boundaries for the boundary-element model (BEM), see Creating the BEM meshes.
mne_toggle_skips Change data skip tags in a raw file into ignored skips or vice versa.
mne_transform_points Transform between MRI and MEG head coordinate frames.
mne_tufts2fiff Convert EEG data from the Tufts University format to fif format.
mne_view_manual Starts a PDF reader to show this manual from its standard location.
mne_volume_data2mri Convert volumetric data defined in a source space created with mne_volume_source_space into an MRI overlay.
mne_volume_source_space Make a volumetric source space, see Creating a volumetric or discrete source space.
mne_watershed_bem Do the segmentation for BEM using the watershed algorithm, see Using the watershed algorithm.

Software component command-line arguments


Since mne_analyze is primarily an interactive analysis tool, there are only a few command-line options:

\---cd <*dir*>

Change to this directory before starting.

\---subject <*name*>

Specify the default subject name for surface loading.

\---digtrig <*name*>

Name of the digital trigger channel. The default value is ‘STI 014’. Underscores in the channel name will be replaced by spaces.

\---digtrigmask <*number*>

Mask to be applied to the raw data trigger channel values before considering them. This option is useful if one wants to set some bits in a don’t care state. For example, some finger response pads keep the trigger lines high if not in use, i.e., a finger is not in place. Yet, it is convenient to keep these devices permanently connected to the acquisition system. The number can be given in decimal or hexadecimal format (beginning with 0x or 0X). For example, the value 255 (0xFF) means that only the lowest order byte (usually trigger lines 1 - 8 or bits 0 - 7) will be considered.


Start mne_analyze in the restricted head position visualization mode. For details, see Visualizing the head position.

\---dig <*filename*>

Specify a file containing the head shape digitization data. This option is only usable if the head position visualization position visualization mode has been first invoked with the –visualizehpi option.

\---hpi <*filename*>

Specify a file containing the transformation between the MEG device and head coordinate frames. This option is only usable if the head position visualization position visualization mode has been first invoked with the --visualizehpi option.


In head position visualization mode, scale the average scalp surface according to the head surface digitization data before aligning them to the scalp surface. This option is recommended.


Use the room-temperature helmet surface instead of the MEG sensor surface when showing the relative position of the MEG sensors and the head in the head position visualization mode.


Before starting mne_analyze the SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable has to be set.


Strictly speaking, trigger mask value zero would mean that all trigger inputs are ignored. However, for convenience, setting the mask to zero or not setting it at all has the same effect as 0xFFFFFFFF, i.e., all bits set.


The digital trigger channel can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable. Underscores in the variable value will not be replaced with spaces by mne_analyze . Using the --digtrig option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable.


The digital trigger channel mask can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable. Using the --digtrigmask option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable.


This is a utility for averaging data in stc files. It requires that all stc files represent data on one individual’s cortical surface and contain identical sets of vertices. mne_average_estimates uses linear interpolation to resample data in time as necessary. The command line arguments are:

---desc <filenname>

Specifies the description file for averaging. The format of this file is described below.

The description file

The description file for mne_average_estimates consists of a sequence of tokens, separated by whitespace (space, tab, or newline). If a token consists of several words it has to be enclosed in quotes. One or more tokens constitute an phrase, which has a meaning for the averaging definition. Any line starting with the pound sign (#) is a considered to be a comment line. There are two kinds of phrases in the description file: global and contextual. The global phrases have the same meaning independent on their location in the file while the contextual phrases have different effects depending on their location in the file.

There are three types of contexts in the description file: the global context, an input context, and the output context. In the beginning of the file the context is global for defining global parameters. The input context defines one of the input files (subjects) while the output context specifies the destination for the average.

The global phrases are:

tmin <*value/ms*>

The minimum time to be considered. The output stc file starts at this time point if the time ranges of the stc files include this time. Otherwise the output starts from the next later available time point.

tstep <*step/ms*>

Time step between consecutive movie frames, specified in milliseconds.

tmax <*value/ms*>

The maximum time point to be considered. A multiple of tstep will be added to the first time point selected until this value or the last time point in one of the input stc files is reached.

integ  <:math:`\Delta t` /*ms*>

Integration time for each frame. Defaults to zero. The integration will be performed on sensor data. If the time specified for a frame is \(t_0\), the integration range will be \(t_0 - ^{\Delta t}/_2 \leq t \leq t_0 + ^{\Delta t}/_2\).

stc <*filename*>

Specifies an input stc file. The filename can be specified with one of the -lh.stc and -rh.stc endings or without them. This phrase ends the present context and starts an input context.

deststc <*filename*>

Specifies the output stc file. The filename can be specified with one of the -lh.stc and -rh.stc endings or without them. This phrase ends the present context and starts the output context.


Process the left hemisphere. By default, both hemispheres are processed.


Process the left hemisphere. By default, both hemispheres are processed.

The contextual phrases are:

weight <*value*>

Specifies the weight of the current data set. This phrase is valid in the input and output contexts.


Specifies that the absolute value of the data should be taken. Valid in all contexts. If specified in the global context, applies to all subsequent input and output contexts. If specified in the input or output contexts, applies only to the data associated with that context.

pow <*value*>

Specifies that the data should raised to the specified power. For negative values, the absolute value of the data will be taken and the negative sign will be transferred to the result, unless abs is specified. Valid in all contexts. Rules of application are identical to abs .


Means pow 0.5

The effects of the options can be summarized as follows. Suppose that the description file includes \(P\) contexts and the temporally resampled data are organized in matrices \(S^{(p)}\), where \(p = 1 \dotso P\) is the subject index, and the rows are the signals at different vertices of the cortical surface. The average computed by mne_average_estimates is then:

\[A_{jk} = |w[\newcommand\sgn{\mathop{\mathrm{sgn}}\nolimits}\sgn(B_{jk})]^{\alpha}|B_{jk}|^{\beta}\]


\[B_{jk} = \sum_{p = 1}^p {\bar{w_p}[\newcommand\sgn{\mathop{\mathrm{sgn}}\nolimits}\sgn(S_{jk}^{(p)})^{\alpha_p}|S_{jk}^{(p)}|^{\beta_p}}\]


\[\bar{w_p} = w_p / \sum_{p = 1}^p {|w_p|}\ .\]

In the above, \(\beta_p\) and \(w_p\) are the powers and weights assigned to each of the subjects whereas \(\beta\) and \(w\) are the output weight and power value, respectively. The sign is either included (\(\alpha_p = 1\), \(\alpha = 1\)) or omitted (\(\alpha_p = 2\), \(\alpha = 2\)) depending on the presence of abs phrases in the description file.


mne_average_estimates requires that the number of vertices in the stc files are the same and that the vertex numbers are identical. This will be the case if the files have been produced in mne_make_movie using the --morph option.


It is straightforward to read and write stc files using the MNE Matlab toolbox described in Matlab toolbox and thus write custom Matlab functions to realize more complicated custom group analysis tools.


--cd <*dir*>

Change to this directory before starting.

--raw <*name*>

Specifies the raw data file to be opened. If a raw data file is not specified, an empty interactive browser will open.

--grad <*number*>

Apply software gradient compensation of the given order to the data loaded with the --raw option. This option is effective only for data acquired with the CTF and 4D Magnes MEG systems. If orders different from zero are requested for Neuromag data, an error message appears and data are not loaded. Any compensation already existing in the file can be undone or changed to another order by using an appropriate --grad options. Possible orders are 0 (No compensation), 1 - 3 (CTF data), and 101 (Magnes data). This applies only to the data file loaded by specifying the --raw option. For interactive data loading, the software gradient compensation is specified in the corresponding file selection dialog, see Open.

--filtersize <*size*>

Adjust the length of the FFT to be applied in filtering. The number will be rounded up to the next power of two. If the size is \(N\), the corresponding length of time is \(N/f_s\), where \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency of your data. The filtering procedure includes overlapping tapers of length \(N/2\) so that the total FFT length will actually be \(2N\). This value cannot be changed after the program has been started.

--highpass <*value/Hz*>

Highpass filter frequency limit. If this is too low with respect to the selected FFT length and, the data will not be highpass filtered. It is best to experiment with the interactive version to find the lowest applicable filter for your data. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 0, i.e., no highpass filter apart from that used during the acquisition will be in effect.

--highpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the highpass filter. The default is 6 frequency bins, where one bin is \(f_s / (2N)\). This value cannot be adjusted in the interactive version of the program.

--lowpass <*value/Hz*>

Lowpass filter frequency limit. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 40 Hz.

--lowpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the lowpass filter. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 5 Hz.

--eoghighpass <*value/Hz*>

Highpass filter frequency limit for EOG. If this is too low with respect to the selected FFT length and, the data will not be highpass filtered. It is best to experiment with the interactive version to find the lowest applicable filter for your data. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 0, i.e., no highpass filter apart from that used during the acquisition will be in effect.

--eoghighpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the EOG highpass filter. The default is 6 frequency bins, where one bin is \(f_s / (2N)\). This value cannot be adjusted in the interactive version of the program.

--eoglowpass <*value/Hz*>

Lowpass filter frequency limit for EOG. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 40 Hz.

--eoglowpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the EOG lowpass filter. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 5 Hz.


Do not filter the data. This initial value can be changed in the interactive version of the program.

--digtrig <*name*>

Name of the composite digital trigger channel. The default value is ‘STI 014’. Underscores in the channel name will be replaced by spaces.

--digtrigmask <*number*>

Mask to be applied to the trigger channel values before considering them. This option is useful if one wants to set some bits in a don’t care state. For example, some finger response pads keep the trigger lines high if not in use, i.e., a finger is not in place. Yet, it is convenient to keep these devices permanently connected to the acquisition system. The number can be given in decimal or hexadecimal format (beginning with 0x or 0X). For example, the value 255 (0xFF) means that only the lowest order byte (usually trigger lines 1 - 8 or bits 0 - 7) will be considered.


Allow loading of unprocessed Elekta-Neuromag data with MaxShield on. These kind of data should never be used for source localization without further processing with Elekta-Neuromag software.

--deriv <*name*>

Specifies the name of a derivation file. This overrides the use of a standard derivation file, see Load derivations.

--sel <*name*>

Specifies the channel selection file to be used. This overrides the use of the standard channel selection files, see Selection.


Strictly speaking, trigger mask value zero would mean that all trigger inputs are ignored. However, for convenience, setting the mask to zero or not setting it at all has the same effect as 0xFFFFFFFF, i.e., all bits set.


The digital trigger channel can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable. Underscores in the variable value will not be replaced with spaces. Using the --digtrig option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable.


The digital trigger channel mask can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable. Using the --digtrigmask option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable.


This program is gradually becoming obsolete. All of its functions will be eventually included to mne_make_movie, see Producing movies and snapshots. At this time, mne_compute_mne is still needed to produce time-collapsed w files unless you are willing to write a Matlab script of your own for this purpose.

--inv <*name*>

Load the inverse operator decomposition from here.

--meas <*name*>

Load the MEG or EEG data from this file.

--set <*number*>

The data set (condition) number to load. The list of data sets can be seen, e.g., in mne_analyze , mne_browse_raw , and xplotter .

--bmin <*time/ms*>

Specifies the starting time of the baseline. In order to activate baseline correction, both --bmin and --bmax options must be present.

--bmax <*time/ms*>

Specifies the finishing time of the baseline.

--nave <*value*>

Specifies the number of averaged epochs in the input data. If the input data file is one produced by mne_process_raw or mne_browse_raw , the number of averages is correct in the file. However, if subtractions or some more complicated combinations of simple averages are produced, e.g., by using the xplotter software, the number of averages should be manually adjusted. This is accomplished either by employing this flag or by adjusting the number of averages in the data file with help of mne_change_nave .

--snr <*value*>

An estimate for the amplitude SNR. The regularization parameter will be set as \(\lambda = ^1/_{\text{SNR}}\). If the SNR option is absent, the regularization parameter will be estimated from the data. The regularization parameter will be then time dependent.


Only estimate SNR and output the result into a file called SNR. Each line of the file contains three values: the time point in ms, the estimated SNR + 1, and the regularization parameter estimated from the data at this time point.


Calculate the absolute value of the current and the dSPM for fixed-orientation data.


Calculate the dSPM instead of the expected current value.


Calculate an approximate \(\chi_2^3\) statistic instead of the F statistic. This is simply accomplished by multiplying the F statistic by three.


Take the square root of the \(\chi_2^3\) or F statistic before outputting the stc file.


Make all frames in the stc file (or the wfile) identical. The value at each source location is the maximum value of the output quantity at this location over the analysis period. This option is convenient for determining the correct thresholds for the rendering of the final brain-activity movies.


Make all frames in the stc file (or the wfile) identical. The value at each source location is the \(L_1\) norm of the output quantity at this location over the analysis period.


Make all frames in the stc file (or the wfile) identical. The value at each source location is the \(L_2\) norm of the output quantity at this location over the analysis period.


Output true current values in SI units (Am). By default, the currents are scaled so that the maximum current value is set to 50 (Am).

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output file name. This is the ‘stem’ of the output file name. The actual name is derived by removing anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. Finally, .stc or .w is added, depending on the output file type.


Use binary w-files in the output whenever possible. The noise-normalization factors can be always output in this format. The current estimates and dSPMs can be output as wfiles if one of the collapse options is selected.

--pred <*name*>

Save the predicted data into this file. This is a fif file containing the predicted data waveforms, see Predicted data.

--outputnorm <*name*>

Output noise-normalization factors to this file.


Output inverse noise-normalization factors to the file defined by the --outputnorm option.

--dip <*name*>

Specifies a dipole distribution snapshot file. This is a file containing the current distribution at a time specified with the --diptime option. The file format is the ASCII dip file format produced by the Neuromag source modelling software (xfit). Therefore, the file can be loaded to the Neuromag MRIlab MRI viewer to display the actual current distribution. This option is only effective if the --spm option is absent.

--diptime <*time/ms*>

Time for the dipole snapshot, see --dip option above.

--label <*name*>

Label to process. The label files are produced by tksurfer and specify regions of interests (ROIs). A label file name should end with -lh.label for left-hemisphere ROIs and with -rh.label for right-hemisphere ones. The corresponding output files are tagged with -lh- <data type .amp and -rh- <data type .amp , respectively. <data type> equals MNE for expected current data and spm for dSPM data. Each line of the output file contains the waveform of the output quantity at one of the source locations falling inside the ROI.


The --tmin and --tmax options which existed in previous versions of mne_compute_mne have been removed. mne_compute_mne can now process only the entire averaged epoch.


--in <*filename*>

Specifies the input data file. This can be either an evoked data file or a raw data file.

--bmin <*time/ms*>

Specifies the starting time of the baseline. In order to activate baseline correction, both --bmin and --bmax options must be present. This option applies to evoked data only.

--bmax <*time/ms*>

Specifies the finishing time of the baseline. This option applies to evoked data only.

--set <*number*>

The data set (condition) number to load. This is the sequential number of the condition. You can easily see the association by looking at the condition list in mne_analyze when you load the file.

--inv <*name*>

Load the inverse operator decomposition from here.

--nave <*value*>

Specifies the effective number of averaged epochs in the input data, \(L_{eff}\), as discussed in Effective number of averages. If the input data file is one produced by mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw , the number of averages is correct in the file. However, if subtractions or some more complicated combinations of simple averages are produced, e.g., by using the xplotter software, the number of averages should be manually adjusted along the guidelines given in Effective number of averages. This is accomplished either by employing this flag or by adjusting the number of averages in the data file with help of the utility mne_change_nave .

--snr <*value*>

An estimate for the amplitude SNR. The regularization parameter will be set as \(\lambda^2 = 1/SNR^2\). The default value is SNR = 1. Automatic selection of the regularization parameter is currently not supported.


Calculate the dSPM instead of the expected current value.


The components of the estimates corresponding to directions tangential with the cortical mantle are zeroed out.


Provide source locations and orientations in the MRI coordinate frame instead of the default head coordinate frame.

--label <*name*>

Specifies a label file to process. For each label file, the values of the computed estimates stored in a fif file. For more details, see Implementation details. The label files are produced by tksurfer or mne_analyze and specify regions of interests (ROIs). A label file name should end with -lh.label for left-hemisphere ROIs and with -rh.label for right-hemisphere ones. The corresponding output files are tagged with -lh- <data type> .fif and -rh- <data type> .fif , respectively. <data type> equals 'mne ‘ for expected current data and 'spm ‘ for dSPM data. For raw data, _raw.fif is employed instead of .fif . The output files are stored in the same directory as the label files.


Produces additional label files for each label processed, containing only those vertices within the input label which correspond to available source space vertices in the inverse operator. These files have the same name as the original label except that -lh and -rh are replaced by -sel-lh and -sel-rh , respectively.


Instructs the program to try to align the waveform signs within the label. For more information, see Implementation details. This flag will not have any effect if the inverse operator has been computed with the strict orientation constraint active.

--labeldir <*directory*>

All previous --label options will be ignored when this option is encountered. For each label in the directory, the output file defined with the --out option will contain a summarizing waveform which is the average of the waveforms in the vertices of the label. The --labeldir option implies --align_z and --picknormalcomp options.


This option is used with the --labeldir option, above. With this option, the output file channel names will be the names of the label files, truncated to 15 characters, instead of names containing the vertex numbers.

--out <*name*>

Required with --labeldir . This is the output file for the data.

--extra <*name*>

By default, the output includes the current estimate signals and the digital trigger channel, see --digtrig option, below. With the --extra option, a custom set of additional channels can be included. The extra channel text file should contain the names of these channels, one channel name on each line. With this option present, the digital trigger channel is not included unless specified in the extra channel file.


No additional channels will be included with this option present.

--digtrig <*name*>

Name of the composite digital trigger channel. The default value is ‘STI 014’. Underscores in the channel name will be replaced by spaces.

--split <*size/MB*>

Specifies the maximum size of the raw data files saved. By default, the output is split into files which are just below 2 GB so that the fif file maximum size is not exceed.


The digital trigger channel can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable. Underscores in the variable value will not be replaced with spaces by mne_compute_raw_inverse . Using the --digtrig option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable.


This utility allows the conversion of various fif files related to the MNE computations to other formats. The two principal purposes of this utility are to facilitate development of new analysis approaches with Matlab and conversion of the forward model and noise covariance matrix data into evoked-response type fif files, which can be accessed and displayed with the Neuromag source modelling software.


Most of the functions of mne_convert_mne_data are now covered by the MNE Matlab toolbox covered in Matlab toolbox. This toolbox is recommended to avoid creating additional files occupying disk space.

The command-line options recognized by mne_convert_mne_data are:

--fwd <*name*>

Specity the name of the forward solution file to be converted. Channels specified with the --bad option will be excluded from the file.


Convert the forward solution to the fixed-orientation mode before outputting the converted file. With this option only the field patterns corresponding to a dipole aligned with the estimated cortex surface normal are output.


When outputting a free-orientation forward model (three orthogonal dipole components present) rotate the dipole coordinate system at each source node so that the two tangential dipole components are output first, followed by the field corresponding to the dipole aligned with the estimated cortex surface normal. The orientation of the first two dipole components in the tangential plane is arbitrarily selected to create an orthogonal coordinate system.


When creating a ‘measurement’ fif file, do not output a forward model file, just the noise-covariance matrix.

--senscov <*name*>

Specifies the fif file containing a sensor covariance matrix to be included with the output. If no other input files are specified only the covariance matrix is output

--srccov <*name*>

Specifies the fif file containing the source covariance matrix to be included with the output. Only diagonal source covariance files can be handled at the moment.

--bad <*name*>

Specifies the name of the file containing the names of the channels to be omitted, one channel name per line. This does not affect the output of the inverse operator since the channels have been already selected when the file was created.


Output the forward model and the noise-covariance matrix into ‘measurement’ fif files. The forward model files are tagged with <modalities> -meas-fwd.fif and the noise-covariance matrix files with <modalities> -meas-cov.fif . Here, modalities is -meg if MEG is included, -eeg if EEG is included, and -meg-eeg if both types of signals are present. The inclusion of modalities is controlled by the --meg and --eeg options.


Output the data into MATLAB mat files. This is the default. The forward model files are tagged with <modalities> -fwd.mat forward model and noise-covariance matrix output, with -inv.mat for inverse operator output, and with -inv-meas.mat for combined inverse operator and measurement data output, respectively. The meaning of <modalities> is the same as in the fif output, described above.

--tag <*name*>

By default, all variables in the matlab output files start with mne\_. This option allows to change this prefix to <name> _.


Include MEG channels from the forward solution and noise-covariance matrix.


Include EEG channels from the forward solution and noise-covariance matrix.

--inv <*name*>

Output the inverse operator data from the specified file into a mat file. The source and noise covariance matrices as well as active channels have been previously selected when the inverse operator was created with mne_inverse_operator . Thus the options --meg , --eeg , --senscov , --srccov , --noiseonly , and --bad do not affect the output of the inverse operator.

--meas <*name*>

Specifies the file containing measurement data to be output together with the inverse operator. The channels corresponding to the inverse operator are automatically selected from the file if --inv . option is present. Otherwise, the channel selection given with --sel option will be taken into account.

--set <*number*>

Select the data set to be output from the measurement file.

--bmin <*value/ms*>

Specifies the baseline minimum value setting for the measurement signal output.

--bmax <*value/ms*>

Specifies the baseline maximum value setting for the measurement signal output.


The --tmin and --tmax options which existed in previous versions of mne_converted_mne_data have been removed. If output of measurement data is requested, the entire averaged epoch is now included.

Guide to combining options

The combination of options is quite complicated. The Guide to combining mne_convert_mne_data options. should be helpful to determine the combination of options appropriate for your needs.

Guide to combining mne_convert_mne_data options.
Desired output Format Required options Optional options
forward model fif —fwd <name> —out <name> —meg and/or —eeg —fif —bad <name> —surfsrc
forward model mat —fwd <name> —out <name> —meg and/or –eeg —bad <name> —surfsrc
forward model and sensor covariance mat —fwd <name> —out <name> —senscov <name> —meg and/or –eeg —bad <name> —surfsrc
sensor covariance fif —fwd <name> —out <name> —senscov <name> —noiseonly —fif —meg and/or –eeg —bad <name>
sensor covariance mat —senscov <name> —out <name> —bad <name>
sensor covariance eigenvalues text —senscov <name> —out <name> —eig —bad <name>
evoked MEG/EEG data mat —meas <name> —out <name> —sel <name> —set <number>
evoked MEG/EEG data forward model mat —meas <name> —fwd <name> —out <name> —bad <name> —set <number>
inverse operator data mat —inv <name> —out <name>  
inverse operator data evoked MEG/EEG data mat ––inv <name> ––meas <name> ––out <name>  

Matlab data structures

The Matlab output provided by mne_convert_mne_data is organized in structures, listed in Matlab structures produced by mne_convert_mne_data.. The fields occurring in these structures are listed in The fields of Matlab structures..

The symbols employed in variable size descriptions are:


Number of source locations


Number of sources. For fixed orientation sources nsource = nloc whereas nsource = 3*nloc for free orientation sources


Number of measurement channels.


Number of time points in the measurement data.
Matlab structures produced by mne_convert_mne_data.
Structure Contents
<tag> _meas Measured data
<tag> _inv The inverse operator decomposition
<tag> _fwd The forward solution
<tag> _noise A standalone noise-covariance matrix

The prefix given with the --tag option is indicated <tag> , see mne_convert_mne_data. Its default value is MNE.

The fields of Matlab structures.
Variable Size Description
fwd nsource x nchan The forward solution, one source on each row. For free orientation sources, the fields of the three orthogonal dipoles for each location are listed consecutively.
names ch_names nchan (string) String array containing the names of the channels included
ch_types nchan x 2 The column lists the types of the channels (1 = MEG, 2 = EEG). The second column lists the coil types, see Normal coil descriptions. and Accurate coil descriptions. For EEG electrodes, this value equals one.
ch_pos nchan x 3 The location information for each channel. The first three values specify the origin of the sensor coordinate system or the location of the electrode. For MEG channels, the following nine number specify the x, y, and z-direction unit vectors of the sensor coordinate system. For EEG electrodes the first unit vector specifies the location of the reference electrode. If the reference is not specified this value is all zeroes. The remaining unit vectors are irrelevant for EEG electrodes.
ch_lognos nchan x 1 Logical channel numbers as listed in the fiff file
ch_units nchan x 2 Units and unit multipliers as listed in the fif file. The unit of the data is listed in the first column (T = 112, T/m = 201, V = 107). At present, the second column will be always zero, i.e., no unit multiplier.
ch_cals nchan x 2 Even if the data comes from the conversion already calibrated, the original calibration factors are included. The first column is the range member of the fif data structures and while the second is the cal member. To get calibrated values in the units given in ch_units from the raw data, the data must be multiplied with the product of range and cal.
sfreq 1 The sampling frequency in Hz.
lowpass 1 Lowpass filter frequency (Hz)
highpass 1 Highpass filter frequency (Hz)
source_loc nloc x 3 The source locations given in the coordinate frame indicated by the coord_frame member.
source_ori nsource x 3 The source orientations
source_selection nsource x 2 Indication of the sources selected from the complete source spaces. Each row contains the number of the source in the complete source space (starting with 0) and the source space number (1 or 2). These numbers refer to the order the two hemispheres where listed when mne_make_source_space was invoked. mne_setup_source_space lists the left hemisphere first.
coord_frame string Name of the coordinate frame employed in the forward calculations. Possible values are ‘head’ and ‘mri’.
mri_head_trans 4 x 4 The coordinate frame transformation from mri the MEG ‘head’ coordinates.
meg_head_trans 4 x 4 The coordinate frame transformation from the MEG device coordinates to the MEG head coordinates
noise_cov nchan x nchan The noise covariance matrix
source_cov nsource The elements of the diagonal source covariance matrix.
sing nchan The singular values of \(A = C_0^{-^1/_2} G R^C = U \Lambda V^T\) with \(R\) selected so that \(\text{trace}(AA^T) / \text{trace}(I) = 1\) as discussed in Whitening and scaling
eigen_fields nchan x nchan The rows of this matrix are the left singular vectors of \(A\), i.e., the columns of \(U\), see above.
eigen_leads nchan x nsource The rows of this matrix are the right singular vectors of \(A\), i.e., the columns of \(V\), see above.
noise_eigenval nchan In terms of Whitening and scaling, eigenvalues of \(C_0\), i.e., not scaled with number of averages.
noise_eigenvec nchan Eigenvectors of the noise covariance matrix. In terms of Whitening and scaling, \(U_C^T\).
data nchan x ntime The measured data. One row contains the data at one time point.
times ntime The time points in the above matrix in seconds
nave 1 Number of averages as listed in the data file.
meas_times ntime The time points in seconds.


The Matlab files can also be read in Python using scipy.io.loadmat()


This utility accepts the following options:

--subject <*subject*>

Defines the name of the subject. This can be also accomplished by setting the SUBJECT environment variable.

--src <*name*>

Source space name to use. This option overrides the --spacing option. The source space is searched first from the current working directory and then from $SUBJECTS_DIR/ <subject> /bem. The source space file must be specified exactly, including the fif extension.

--spacing <*spacing/mm*>  or ``ico- <number or “oct-“ <*number>“

This is an alternate way to specify the name of the source space file. For example, if --spacing 6 is given on the command line, the source space files searched for are./<subject> -6-src.fif and $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/ bem/<subject> -6-src.fif. The first file found is used. Spacing defaults to 7 mm.

--bem <*name*>

Specifies the BEM to be used. The name of the file can be any of <name> , <name> -bem.fif, <name> -bem-sol.fif. The file is searched for from the current working directory and from bem . If this option is omitted, the most recent BEM file in the bem directory is used.

--mri <*name*>

The name of the MRI description file containing the MEG/MRI coordinate transformation. This file was saved as part of the alignment procedure outlined in Aligning coordinate frames. The file is searched for from the current working directory and from mri/T1-neuromag/sets . The search order for MEG/MRI coordinate transformations is discussed below.

--trans        <*name*>

The name of a text file containing the 4 x 4 matrix for the coordinate transformation from head to mri coordinates, see below. If the option --trans is present, the --mri option is not required. The search order for MEG/MRI coordinate transformations is discussed below.

--meas <*name*>

This file is the measurement fif file or an off-line average file produced thereof. It is recommended that the average file is employed for evoked-response data and the original raw data file otherwise. This file provides the MEG sensor locations and orientations as well as EEG electrode locations as well as the coordinate transformation between the MEG device coordinates and MEG head-based coordinates.

--fwd <*name*>

This file will contain the forward solution as well as the coordinate transformations, sensor and electrode location information, and the source space data. A name of the form <name> -fwd.fif is recommended. If this option is omitted the forward solution file name is automatically created from the measurement file name and the source space name.

--destdir <*directory*>

Optionally specifies a directory where the forward solution will be stored.

--mindist <*dist/mm*>

Omit source space points closer than this value to the inner skull surface. Any source space points outside the inner skull surface are automatically omitted. The use of this option ensures that numerical inaccuracies for very superficial sources do not cause unexpected effects in the final current estimates. Suitable value for this parameter is of the order of the size of the triangles on the inner skull surface. If you employ the seglab software to create the triangulations, this value should be about equal to the wish for the side length of the triangles.


Omit EEG forward calculations.


Omit MEG forward calculations.


Compute the forward solution for all vertices on the source space.


Overwrite the possibly existing forward model file.


Show usage information for the script.

The MEG/MRI transformation is determined by the following search sequence:

  • If the --mri option was present, the file is looked for literally as specified, in the directory of the measurement file specified with the --meas option, and in the directory $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/mri/T1-neuromag/sets. If the file is not found, the script exits with an error message.
  • If the --trans option was present, the file is looked up literally as specified. If the file is not found, the script exists with an error message.
  • If neither --mri nor --trans option was not present, the following default search sequence is engaged:
    • The .fif ending in the measurement file name is replaced by -trans.fif . If this file is present, it will be used.
    • The newest file whose name ends with -trans.fif in the directory of the measurement file is looked up. If such a file is present, it will be used.
    • The newest file whose name starts with COR- in directory $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/mri/T1-neuromag/sets is looked up. If such a file is present, it will be used.
    • If all the above searches fail, the script exits with an error message.

This search sequence is designed to work well with the MEG/MRI transformation files output by mne_analyze , see Coordinate frame alignment. It is recommended that -trans.fif file saved with the Save default and Save… options in the mne_analyze alignment dialog are used because then the $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT directory will be composed of files which are dependent on the subjects’s anatomy only, not on the MEG/EEG data to be analyzed.


If the standard MRI description file and BEM file selections are appropriate and the 7-mm source space grid spacing is appropriate, only the --meas option is necessary. If EEG data is not used --megonly option should be included.


If it is conceivable that the current-density transformation will be incorporated into the inverse operator, specify a source space with patch information for the forward computation. This is not mandatory but saves a lot of time when the inverse operator is created, since the patch information does not need to be created at that stage.


The MEG head to MRI transformation matrix specified with the --trans option should be a text file containing a 4-by-4 matrix:

\[\begin{split}T = \begin{bmatrix} R_{11} & R_{12} & R_{13} & x_0 \\ R_{13} & R_{13} & R_{13} & y_0 \\ R_{13} & R_{13} & R_{13} & z_0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

defined so that if the augmented location vectors in MRI head and MRI coordinate systems are denoted by \(r_{head}[x_{head}\ y_{head}\ z_{head}\ 1]\) and \(r_{MRI}[x_{MRI}\ y_{MRI}\ z_{MRI}\ 1]\), respectively,

\[r_{MRI} = T r_{head}\]


It is not possible to calculate an EEG forward solution with a single-layer BEM.


--fwd <*name of the forward solution file*>

This is the forward solution file produced in the computations step described in Computing the forward solution.


Employ MEG data in the inverse calculation. If neither --meg nor --eeg is set only MEG channels are included.


Employ EEG data in the inverse calculation. If neither --meg nor --eeg is set only MEG channels are included.


Use fixed source orientations normal to the cortical mantle. By default, the source orientations are not constrained. If --fixed is specified, the --loose flag is ignored.

--loose <*amount*>

Use a ‘loose’ orientation constraint. This means that the source covariance matrix entries corresponding to the current component normal to the cortex are set equal to one and the transverse components are set to <amount> . Recommended value of amount is 0.1…0.6.


Employ depth weighting with the standard settings. For details, see Depth weighting and Inverse-operator decomposition.

--bad <*name*>

Specifies a text file to designate bad channels, listed one channel name (like MEG 1933) on each line of the file. Be sure to include both noisy and flat (non-functioning) channels in the list. If bad channels were designated using mne_mark_bad_channels in the measurement file which was specified with the --meas option when the forward solution was computed, the bad channel information will be automatically included. Also, any bad channel information in the noise-covariance matrix file will be included.

--noisecov <*name*>

Name of the noise-covariance matrix file computed with one of the methods described in Computing the noise-covariance matrix. By default, the script looks for a file whose name is derived from the forward solution file by replacing its ending - <anything> -fwd.fif by -cov.fif . If this file contains a projection operator, which will automatically attached to the noise-covariance matrix by mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw , no --proj option is necessary because mne_inverse_operator will automatically include the projectors from the noise-covariance matrix file. For backward compatibility, –senscov can be used as a synonym for –noisecov.

--noiserank <*value*>

Specifies the rank of the noise covariance matrix explicitly rather than trying to reduce it automatically. This option is sheldom needed,

--megreg <*value*>

Regularize the MEG part of the noise-covariance matrix by this amount. Suitable values are in the range 0.05…0.2. For details, see Regularization of the noise-covariance matrix.

--eegreg <*value*>

Like --megreg but applies to the EEG channels.


Omit the off-diagonal terms of the noise covariance matrix. This option is irrelevant to most users.

--fmri <*name*>

With help of this w file, an a priori weighting can be applied to the source covariance matrix. The source of the weighting is usually fMRI but may be also some other data, provided that the weighting can be expressed as a scalar value on the cortical surface, stored in a w file. It is recommended that this w file is appropriately smoothed (see About smoothing) in mne_analyze , tksurfer or with mne_smooth_w to contain nonzero values at all vertices of the triangular tessellation of the cortical surface. The name of the file given is used as a stem of the w files. The actual files should be called <name> -lh.pri and <name> -rh.pri for the left and right hemisphere weight files, respectively. The application of the weighting is discussed in fMRI-guided estimates.

--fmrithresh <*value*>

This option is mandatory and has an effect only if a weighting function has been specified with the --fmri option. If the value is in the a priori files falls below this value at a particular source space point, the source covariance matrix values are multiplied by the value specified with the --fmrioff option (default 0.1). Otherwise it is left unchanged.

--fmrioff <*value*>

The value by which the source covariance elements are multiplied if the a priori weight falls below the threshold set with --fmrithresh , see above.

--srccov <*name*>

Use this diagonal source covariance matrix. By default the source covariance matrix is a multiple of the identity matrix. This option is irrelevant to most users.

--proj <*name*>

Include signal-space projection information from this file.

--inv <*name*>

Save the inverse operator decomposition here. By default, the script looks for a file whose name is derived from the forward solution file by replacing its ending -fwd.fif by <options> -inv.fif , where <options> includes options --meg, --eeg, and --fixed with the double dashes replaced by single ones.

--destdir <*directory*>

Optionally specifies a directory where the inverse operator will be stored.


If bad channels are included in the calculation, strange results may ensue. Therefore, it is recommended that the data to be analyzed is carefully inspected with to assign the bad channels correctly.


For convenience, the MNE software includes bad-channel designation files which can be used to ignore all magnetometer or all gradiometer channels in Vectorview measurements. These files are called vv_grad_only.bad and vv_mag_only.bad , respectively. Both files are located in $MNE_ROOT/share/mne/templates .


--src <*name*>

Source space name to use. The name of the file must be specified exactly, including the directory. Typically, the source space files reside in $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/bem.

--bem <*name*>

Specifies the BEM to be used. These files end with bem.fif or bem-sol.fif and reside in $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/bem. The former file contains only the BEM surface information while the latter files contain the geometry information precomputed with mne_prepare_bem_model, see Computing the BEM geometry data. If precomputed geometry is not available, the linear collocation solution will be computed by mne_forward_solution .

--origin <*x/mm*> : <*x/mm*> : <*z/mm*>

Indicates that the sphere model should be used in the forward calculations. The origin is specified in MEG head coordinates unless the --mricoord option is present. The MEG sphere model solution computed using the analytical Sarvas formula. For EEG, an approximative solution described in

--eegmodels <*name*>

This option is significant only if the sphere model is used and EEG channels are present. The specified file contains specifications of the EEG sphere model layer structures as detailed in The EEG sphere model definition file. If this option is absent the file $HOME/.mne/EEG_models will be consulted if it exists.

--eegmodel <*model name*>

Specifies the name of the sphere model to be used for EEG. If this option is missing, the model Default will be employed, see The EEG sphere model definition file.

--eegrad <*radius/mm*>

Specifies the radius of the outermost surface (scalp) of the EEG sphere model, see The EEG sphere model definition file. The default value is 90 mm.


Scale the EEG electrode locations to the surface of the outermost sphere when using the sphere model.


Use accurate MEG sensor coil descriptions. This is the recommended choice. More information


Compute the solution for sources normal to the cortical mantle only. This option should be used only for surface-based and discrete source spaces.


Compute the forward solution for all vertices on the source space.

--label <*name*>

Compute the solution only for points within the specified label. Multiple labels can be present. The label files should end with -lh.label or -rh.label for left and right hemisphere label files, respectively. If --all flag is present, all surface points falling within the labels are included. Otherwise, only decimated points with in the label are selected.

--mindist <*dist/mm*>

Omit source space points closer than this value to the inner skull surface. Any source space points outside the inner skull surface are automatically omitted. The use of this option ensures that numerical inaccuracies for very superficial sources do not cause unexpected effects in the final current estimates. Suitable value for this parameter is of the order of the size of the triangles on the inner skull surface. If you employ the seglab software to create the triangulations, this value should be about equal to the wish for the side length of the triangles.

--mindistout <*name*>

Specifies a file name to contain the coordinates of source space points omitted due to the --mindist option.

--mri <*name*>

The name of the MRI description file containing the MEG/MRI coordinate transformation. This file was saved as part of the alignment procedure outlined in Aligning coordinate frames. These files typically reside in $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/mri/T1-neuromag/sets .

--trans        <*name*>

The name of a text file containing the 4 x 4 matrix for the coordinate transformation from head to mri coordinates. With --trans, --mri option is not required.


The MEG/MRI coordinate transformation is taken as the identity transformation, i.e., the two coordinate systems are the same. This option is useful only in special circumstances. If more than one of the --mri , --trans , and --notrans options are specified, the last one remains in effect.


Do all computations in the MRI coordinate system. The forward solution matrix is not affected by this option if the source orientations are fixed to be normal to the cortical mantle. If all three source components are included, the forward three source orientations parallel to the coordinate axes is computed. If --mricoord is present, these axes correspond to MRI coordinate system rather than the default MEG head coordinate system. This option is useful only in special circumstances.

--meas <*name*>

This file is the measurement fif file or an off-line average file produced thereof. It is recommended that the average file is employed for evoked-response data and the original raw data file otherwise. This file provides the MEG sensor locations and orientations as well as EEG electrode locations as well as the coordinate transformation between the MEG device coordinates and MEG head-based coordinates.

--fwd <*name*>

This file will contain the forward solution as well as the coordinate transformations, sensor and electrode location information, and the source space data. A name of the form <name>-fwd.fif is recommended.


Compute the MEG forward solution.


Compute the EEG forward solution.


Include the derivatives of the fields with respect to the dipole position coordinates to the output, see Field derivatives.



Employ MEG data in the calculation of the estimates.


Employ EEG data in the calculation of the estimates. Note: The EEG computations have not been thoroughly tested at this time.


Use fixed source orientations normal to the cortical mantle. By default, the source orientations are not constrained.

--loose <amount>

Employ a loose orientation constraint (LOC). This means that the source covariance matrix entries corresponding to the current component normal to the cortex are set equal to one and the transverse components are set to <amount> . Recommended value of amount is 0.2…0.6.

--loosevar <amount>

Use an adaptive loose orientation constraint. This option can be only employed if the source spaces included in the forward solution have the patch information computed, see Setting up the source space.

--fwd <name>

Specifies the name of the forward solution to use.

--noisecov <name>

Specifies the name of the noise-covariance matrix to use. If this file contains a projection operator, attached by mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw, no additional projection vectors can be added with the --proj option. For backward compatibility, --senscov can be used as a synonym for --noisecov.

--noiserank <value>

Specifies the rank of the noise covariance matrix explicitly rather than trying to reduce it automatically. This option is seldom needed,

--gradreg <value>

Regularize the planar gradiometer section (channels for which the unit of measurement is T/m) of the noise-covariance matrix by the given amount. The value is restricted to the range 0…1. For details, see Regularization of the noise-covariance matrix.

--magreg <value>

Regularize the magnetometer and axial gradiometer section (channels for which the unit of measurement is T) of the noise-covariance matrix by the given amount. The value is restricted to the range 0…1. For details, see Regularization of the noise-covariance matrix.

--eegreg <value>

Regularize the EEG section of the noise-covariance matrix by the given amount. The value is restricted to the range 0…1. For details, see Regularization of the noise-covariance matrix.


Omit the off-diagonal terms from the noise-covariance matrix in the computations. This may be useful if the amount of signal-free data has been insufficient to calculate a reliable estimate of the full noise-covariance matrix.

--srccov <name>

Specifies the name of the diagonal source-covariance matrix to use. By default the source covariance matrix is a multiple of the identity matrix. This option can be employed to incorporate the fMRI constraint. The software to create a source-covariance matrix file from fMRI data will be provided in a future release of this software package.


Employ depth weighting. For details, see Depth weighting.

--weightexp <value>

This parameter determines the steepness of the depth weighting function (default = 0.8). For details, see Depth weighting.

--weightlimit <value>

Maximum relative strength of the depth weighting (default = 10). For details, see Depth weighting.

--fmri <name>

With help of this w file, an a priori weighting can be applied to the source covariance matrix. The source of the weighting is usually fMRI but may be also some other data, provided that the weighting can be expressed as a scalar value on the cortical surface, stored in a w file. It is recommended that this w file is appropriately smoothed (see About smoothing) in mne_analyze , tksurfer or with mne_smooth_w to contain nonzero values at all vertices of the triangular tessellation of the cortical surface. The name of the file given is used as a stem of the w files. The actual files should be called <name> -lh.pri and <name> -rh.pri for the left and right hemsphere weight files, respectively. The application of the weighting is discussed in fMRI-guided estimates.

--fmrithresh <value>

This option is mandatory and has an effect only if a weighting function has been specified with the --fmri option. If the value is in the a priori files falls below this value at a particular source space point, the source covariance matrix values are multiplied by the value specified with the --fmrioff option (default 0.1). Otherwise it is left unchanged.

--fmrioff <value>

The value by which the source covariance elements are multiplied if the a priori weight falls below the threshold set with --fmrithresh , see above.

--bad <name>

A text file to designate bad channels, listed one channel name on each line of the file. If the noise-covariance matrix specified with the --noisecov option contains projections, bad channel lists can be included only if they specify all channels containing non-zero entries in a projection vector. For example, bad channels can usually specify all magnetometers or all gradiometers since the projection vectors for these channel types are completely separate. Similarly, it is possible to include MEG data only or EEG data only by using only one of --meg or --eeg options since the projection vectors for MEG and EEG are always separate.


Use a source coordinate system based on the local surface orientation at the source location. By default, the three dipole components are pointing to the directions of the x, y, and z axis of the coordinate system employed in the forward calculation (usually the MEG head coordinate frame). This option changes the orientation so that the first two source components lie in the plane normal to the surface normal at the source location and the third component is aligned with it. If patch information is available in the source space, the normal is the average patch normal, otherwise the vertex normal at the source location is used. If the --loose or --loosevar option is employed, --surfsrc is implied.

--exclude <name>

Exclude the source space points defined by the given FreeSurfer ‘label’ file from the source reconstruction. This is accomplished by setting the corresponding entries in the source-covariance matrix equal to zero. The name of the file should end with -lh.label if it refers to the left hemisphere and with -rh.label if it lists points in the right hemisphere, respectively.

--proj <name>

Include signal-space projection (SSP) information from this file. For information on SSP, see The Signal-Space Projection (SSP) method. If the projections are present in the noise-covariance matrix, the --proj option is not allowed.


Compute the inverse operator for surface current densities instead of the dipole source amplitudes. This requires the computation of patch statistics for the source space. Since this computation is time consuming, it is recommended that the patch statistics are precomputed and the source space file containing the patch information is employed already when the forward solution is computed, see Setting up the source space and Computing the forward solution. For technical details of the patch information, please consult Cortical patch statistics. This option is considered experimental at the moment.

--inv <name>

Save the inverse operator decomposition here.


Input files

--inv <*name*>

Load the inverse operator decomposition from here.

--meas <*name*>

Load the MEG or EEG data from this file.

--set <*number*>

The data set (condition) number to load. This is the sequential number of the condition. You can easily see the association by looking at the condition list in mne_analyze when you load the file.

--stcin <*name*>

Specifies an stc file to read as input.

Times and baseline

--tmin <*time/ms*>

Specifies the starting time employed in the analysis. If --tmin option is missing the analysis starts from the beginning of the epoch.

--tmax <*time/ms*>

Specifies the finishing time employed in the analysis. If --tmax option is missing the analysis extends to the end of the epoch.

--tstep <*step/ms*>

Time step between consequtive movie frames, specified in milliseconds.

--integ  <*:math:`\Delta`t/ms*>

Integration time for each frame. Defaults to zero. The integration will be performed on sensor data. If the time specified for a frame is \(t_0\), the integration range will be \(t_0 - \Delta t/2 \leq t \leq t_0 + \Delta t/2\).

--pick <*time/ms*>

Pick a time for the production of rgb, tif, jpg, png, or w files. Several pick options may be present. The time must be with in the analysis interval, indicated by the --tmin and --tmax options. The --rgb , --tif , --jpg , --png , and --w options control which file types are actually produced. When a --pick option is encountered, the effect of any preceding --pickrange option is ignored.


All previous -pick options will be ignored. Instead, snapshots are produced as indicated by the --tmin , --tmax , and --tstep options. This is useful, e.g., for producing input for scripts merging the individual graphics snapshots into a composite “filmstrip” reprensentation. However, such scripts are not yet part of the MNE software.

--bmin <*time/ms*>

Specifies the starting time of the baseline. In order to activate baseline correction, both --bmin and --bmax options must be present.

--bmax <*time/ms*>

Specifies the finishing time of the baseline.

--baselines <*file_name*>

Specifies a file which contains the baseline settings. Each line of the file should contain a name of a channel, followed by the baseline value, separated from the channel name by a colon. The baseline values must be specified in basic units, i.e., Teslas/meter for gradiometers, Teslas for magnetometers, and Volts for EEG channels. If some channels are missing from the baseline file, warning messages are issued: for these channels, the --bmin and --bmax settings will be used.

Options controlling the estimates

--nave <*value*>

Specifies the effective number of averaged epochs in the input data, \(L_{eff}\), as discussed in Effective number of averages. If the input data file is one produced by mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw, the number of averages is correct in the file. However, if subtractions or some more complicated combinations of simple averages are produced, e.g., by using the xplotter software, the number of averages should be manually adjusted along the guidelines given in Effective number of averages. This is accomplished either by employing this flag or by adjusting the number of averages in the data file with help of the utility mne_change_nave .

--snr <*value*>

An estimate for the amplitude SNR. The regularization parameter will be set as \(\lambda^2 = 1/SNR^2\). The default value is SNR = 3. Automatic selection of the regularization parameter is currently not supported.


Calculate the dSPM instead of the expected current value.


Calculate the noise-normalized estimate using the sLORETA approach. sLORETA solutions have in general a smaller location bias than either the expected current (MNE) or the dSPM.


Indicate the current direction with respect to the cortex outer normal by sign. Currents flowing out of the cortex are thus considered positive (warm colors) and currents flowing into the cortex negative (cold colors).


The components of the estimates corresponding to directions tangential with the cortical mantle are zeroed out.

Visualization options

--subject <*subject*>

Specifies the subject whose MRI data is employed in the visualization. This must be the same subject that was used for computing the current estimates. The environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR must be set to point to a locations where the subjects are to be found.

--morph <*subject*>

Morph the data to to the cortical surface of another subject. The Quicktime movie, stc-file, graphics snapshot, and w-file outputs are affected by this option, i.e., they will take the morphing into account and will represent the data on the cortical surface of the subject defined with this option. The stc files morphed to a single subject’s cortical surface are used by mne_average_estimates to combine data from different subjects. If morphing is selected appropriate smoothing must be specified with the --smooth option. The morphing process can be made faster by precomputing the necessary morphing maps with mne_make_morph_maps , see Precomputing the morphing maps. More information about morphing and averaging can be found in Morphing and averaging.

--morphgrade <*number*>

Adjusts the number of vertices in the stc files produced when morphing is in effect. By default the number of vertices is 10242 corresponding to –morphgrade value 5. Allowed values are 3, 4, 5, and 6 corresponding to 642, 2562, 10242, and 40962 vertices, respectively.

--surface <*surface name*>

Name of the surface employed in the visualization. The default is inflated .

--curv <*name*>

Specify a nonstandard curvature file name. The default curvature files are lh.curv and rh.curv . With this option, the names become lh. <name> and rh. <name> .

--patch <*name*> [: <*angle/deg*> ]

Specify the name of a surface patch to be used for visualization instead of the complete cortical surface. A complete name of a patch file in the FreeSurface surf directory must be given. The name should begin with lh or rh to allow association of the patch with a hemisphere. Maximum of two --patch options can be in effect, one patch for each hemisphere. If the name refers to a flat patch, the name can be optionally followed by a colon and a rotation angle in degrees. The flat patch will be then rotated counterclockwise by this amount before display. You can check a suitable value for the rotation angle by loading the patch interactively in mne_analyze .

--width <*value*>

Width of the graphics output frames in pixels. The default width is 600 pixels.

--height <*value*>

Height of the graphics output frames in pixels. The default height is 400 pixels.

--mag <*factor*>

Magnify the the visualized scene by this factor.


Select the left hemisphere for graphics output. By default, both hemisphere are processed.


Select the right hemisphere for graphics output. By default, both hemisphere are processed.

--view <*name*>

Select the name of the view for mov, rgb, and tif graphics output files. The default viewnames, defined in $MNE_ROOT/share/mne/mne_analyze/eyes , are lat (lateral), med (medial), ven (ventral), and occ (occipital). You can override these defaults by creating the directory .mne under your home directory and copying the eyes file there. Each line of the eyes file contais the name of the view, the viewpoint for the left hemisphere, the viewpoint for the right hemisphere, left hemisphere up vector, and right hemisphere up vector. The entities are separated by semicolons. Lines beginning with the pound sign (#) are considered to be comments.

--smooth <*nstep*>

Number of smoothsteps to take when producing the output frames. Depending on the source space decimation, an appropriate number is 4 - 7. Smoothing does not have any effect for the original brain if stc files are produced. However, if morphing is selected smoothing is mandatory even with stc output. For details of the smoothing procedure, see About smoothing.


Do not include the comments in the image output files or movies.


Do not include the scalebar in the image output files or movies.

--alpha <*value*>

Adjust the opacity of maps shown on the cortical surface (0 = transparent, 1 = totally opaque). The default value is 1.


--fthresh <*value*>

Specifies the threshold for the displayed colormaps. At the threshold, the overlaid color will be equal to the background surface color. For currents, the value will be multiplied by \(1^{-10}\). The default value is 8.

--fmid <*value*>

Specifies the midpoint for the displayed colormaps. At this value, the overlaid color will be read (positive values) or blue (negative values). For currents, the value will be multiplied by \(1^{-10}\). The default value is 15.

--fmax <*value*>

Specifies the maximum point for the displayed colormaps. At this value, the overlaid color will bright yellow (positive values) or light blue (negative values). For currents, the value will be multiplied by \(1^{-10}\). The default value is 20.

--fslope <*value*>

Included for backwards compatibility. If this option is specified and --fmax option is not specified, \(F_{max} = F_{mid} + 1/F_{slope}\).

Output files

--mov <*name*>

Produce QuickTime movie files. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. The name of the view is indicated with - <viename> . Finally, .mov is added to indicate a QuickTime output file. The movie is produced for all times as dictated by the --tmin , --tmax , --tstep , and --integ options.

--qual <*value*>

Quality of the QuickTime movie output. The default quality is 80 and allowed range is 25 - 100. The size of the movie files is a monotonously increasing function of the movie quality.

--rate <*rate*>

Specifies the frame rate of the QuickTime movies. The default value is \(1/(10t_{step})\), where \(t_{step}\) is the time between subsequent movie frames produced in seconds.

--rgb <*name*>

Produce rgb snapshots. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. The name of the view is indicated with - <viename> . Finally, .rgb is added to indicate an rgb output file. Files are produced for all picked times as dictated by the --pick and --integ options.

--tif <*name*>

Produce tif snapshots. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. The name of the view is indicated with - <viename> . Finally, .tif is added to indicate an rgb output file. Files are produced for all picked times as dictated by the --pick and --integ options. The tif output files are not compressed. Pass the files through an image processing program to compress them.

--jpg <*name*>

Produce jpg snapshots. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. The name of the view is indicated with - <viename> . Finally, .jpg is added to indicate an rgb output file. Files are produced for all picked times as dictated by the --pick and --integ options.

--png <*name*>

Produce png snapshots. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh or -rh is then appended. The name of the view is indicated with - <viename> . Finally, .png is added to indicate an rgb output file. Files are produced for all picked times as dictated by the --pick and --integ options.

--w <*name*>

Produce w file snapshots. This is the ‘stem’ of the ouput file name. The actual name is derived by stripping anything up to and including the last period from the end of <name> . According to the hemisphere, -lh .w or -rh .w is then appended. Files are produced for all picked times as dictated by the --pick and --integ options.

--stc <*name*>

Produce stc files for either the original subject or the one selected with the --morph option. These files will contain data only for the decimated locations. If morphing is selected, appropriate smoothing is mandatory. The morphed maps will be decimated with help of a subdivided icosahedron so that the morphed stc files will always contain 10242 vertices. These morphed stc files can be easily averaged together, e.g., in Matlab since they always contain an identical set of vertices.

--norm <*name*>

Indicates that a separate w file containing the noise-normalization values will be produced. The option --spm must also be present. Nevertheless, the movies and stc files output will contain MNE values. The noise normalization data files will be called <name>- <SNR> -lh.w and <name>- <SNR> -rh.w .

Label processing

--label <*name*>

Specifies a label file to process. For each label file, the values of the computed estimates are listed in text files. The label files are produced by tksurfer or mne_analyze and specify regions of interests (ROIs). A label file name should end with -lh.label for left-hemisphere ROIs and with -rh.label for right-hemisphere ones. The corresponding output files are tagged with -lh- <data type> .amp and -rh- <data type> .amp, respectively. <data type> equals 'mne ‘ for expected current data and 'spm ‘ for dSPM data. Each line of the output file contains the waveform of the output quantity at one of the source locations falling inside the ROI. For more information about the label output formats, see Label timecourse files.


Include coordinates of the vertices in the output. The coordinates will be listed in millimeters in the coordinate system which was specified for the forward model computations. This option cannot be used with stc input files (--stcin ) because the stc files do not contain the coordinates of the vertices.


Include vertex numbers in the output. The numbers refer to the complete triangulation of the corresponding surface and are zero based. The vertex numbers are by default on the first row or first column of the output file depending on whether or not the --labeltimebytime option is present.


Output the label data time by time instead of the default vertex-by-vertex output.

--labeltag <*tag*>

End the output files with the specified tag. By default, the output files will end with -mne.amp or -spm.amp depending on whether MNE or one of the noise-normalized estimates (dSPM or sLORETA) was selected.

--labeloutdir <*directory*>

Specifies the directory where the output files will be located. By default, they will be in the current working directory.


Include comments in the output files. The comment lines begin with the percent sign to make the files compatible with Matlab.

--scaleby <*factor*>

By default, the current values output to the files will be in the actual physical units (Am). This option allows scaling of the current values to other units. mne_analyze typically uses 1e10 to bring the numbers to a human-friendly scale.

Using stc file input

The --stcin option allows input of stc files. This feature has several uses:

  • QuickTime movies can be produced from existing stc files without having to resort to EasyMeg.
  • Graphics snapshot can be produced from existing stc files.
  • Existing stc files can be temporally resampled with help of the --tmin , --tmax , --tstep , and --integ options.
  • Existing stc files can be morphed to another cortical surface by specifying the --morph option.
  • Timecourses can be inquired and stored into text files with help of the --label options, see above.


--subject <name>

Name of the subject.

--morph <name>

Name of the subject to morph the source space to.

--spacing <dist>

Approximate source space spacing in mm.

--ico <grade>

Use the subdivided icosahedron or octahedron in downsampling instead of the –spacing option.

--oct <grade>

Same as –ico -grade.

--surf <names>

Surface file names (separated by colons)

--src <name>

Name of the output file.


--cd <*dir*>

Change to this directory before starting.

--raw <*name*>

Specifies the raw data file to be opened. This option is required.

--grad <*number*>

Apply software gradient compensation of the given order to the data loaded with the --raw option. This option is effective only for data acquired with the CTF and 4D Magnes MEG systems. If orders different from zero are requested for Neuromag data, an error message appears and data are not loaded. Any compensation already existing in the file can be undone or changed to another order by using an appropriate --grad options. Possible orders are 0 (No compensation), 1 - 3 (CTF data), and 101 (Magnes data). The same compensation will be applied to all loaded data files.

--filtersize <*size*>

Adjust the length of the FFT to be applied in filtering. The number will be rounded up to the next power of two. If the size is \(N\), the corresponding length of time is \(N/f_s\), where \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency of your data. The filtering procedure includes overlapping tapers of length \(N/2\) so that the total FFT length will actually be \(2N\). This value cannot be changed after the program has been started.

--highpass <*value/Hz*>

Highpass filter frequency limit. If this is too low with respect to the selected FFT length and, the data will not be highpass filtered. It is best to experiment with the interactive version to find the lowest applicable filter for your data. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 0, i.e., no highpass filter apart from that used during the acquisition will be in effect.

--highpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the highpass filter. The default is 6 frequency bins, where one bin is \(f_s / (2N)\). This value cannot be adjusted in the interactive version of the program.

--lowpass <*value/Hz*>

Lowpass filter frequency limit. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 40 Hz.

--lowpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the lowpass filter. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 5 Hz.

--eoghighpass <*value/Hz*>

Highpass filter frequency limit for EOG. If this is too low with respect to the selected FFT length and, the data will not be highpass filtered. It is best to experiment with the interactive version to find the lowest applicable filter for your data. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 0, i.e., no highpass filter apart from that used during the acquisition will be in effect.

--eoghighpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the EOG highpass filter. The default is 6 frequency bins, where one bin is \(f_s / (2N)\). This value cannot be adjusted in the interactive version of the program.

--eoglowpass <*value/Hz*>

Lowpass filter frequency limit for EOG. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 40 Hz.

--eoglowpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the EOG lowpass filter. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 5 Hz.


Do not filter the data. This initial value can be changed in the interactive version of the program.

--digtrig <*name*>

Name of the composite digital trigger channel. The default value is ‘STI 014’. Underscores in the channel name will be replaced by spaces.

--digtrigmask <*number*>

Mask to be applied to the trigger channel values before considering them. This option is useful if one wants to set some bits in a don’t care state. For example, some finger response pads keep the trigger lines high if not in use, i.e., a finger is not in place. Yet, it is convenient to keep these devices permanently connected to the acquisition system. The number can be given in decimal or hexadecimal format (beginning with 0x or 0X). For example, the value 255 (0xFF) means that only the lowest order byte (usually trigger lines 1 - 8 or bits 0 - 7) will be considered.

--proj <*name*>

Specify the name of the file of the file containing a signal-space projection (SSP) operator. If --proj options are present the data file is not consulted for an SSP operator. The operator corresponding to average EEG reference is always added if EEG data are present.


Activate the projections loaded. One of the options --projon or --projoff must be present on the mne_processs_raw command line.


Deactivate the projections loaded. One of the options --projon or --projoff must be present on the mne_processs_raw command line.


Estimate the noise subspace from the data and create a new signal-space projection operator instead of using one attached to the data file or those specified with the --proj option. The following eight options define the parameters of the noise subspace estimation. More information on the signal-space projection can be found in The Signal-Space Projection (SSP) method.

--projevent <*no*>

Specifies the events which identify the time points of interest for projector calculation. When this option is present, --projtmin and --projtmax are relative to the time point of the event rather than the whole raw data file.

--projtmin <*time/s*>

Specify the beginning time for the calculation of the covariance matrix which serves as the basis for the new SSP operator. This option is required with --projevent and defaults to the beginning of the raw data file otherwise. This option is effective only if --makeproj or --saveprojtag options are present.

--projtmax <*time/s*>

Specify the ending time for the calculation of the covariance matrix which serves as the basis for the new SSP operator. This option is required with --projevent and defaults to the end of the raw data file otherwise. This option is effective only if --makeproj or --saveprojtag options are present.

--projngrad <*number*>

Number of SSP components to include for planar gradiometers (default = 5). This value is system dependent. For example, in a well-shielded quiet environment, no planar gradiometer projections are usually needed.

--projnmag <*number*>

Number of SSP components to include for magnetometers / axial gradiometers (default = 8). This value is system dependent. For example, in a well-shielded quiet environment, 3 - 4 components are need while in a noisy environment with light shielding even more than 8 components may be necessary.

--projgradrej <*value/ fT/cm*>

Rejection limit for planar gradiometers in the estimation of the covariance matrix frfixom which the new SSP operator is derived. The default value is 2000 fT/cm. Again, this value is system dependent.

--projmagrej <*value/ fT*>

Rejection limit for planar gradiometers in the estimation of the covariance matrix from which the new SSP operator is derived. The default value is 3000 fT. Again, this value is system dependent.

--saveprojtag <*tag*>

This option defines the names of files to hold the SSP operator. If this option is present the --makeproj option is implied. The SSP operator file name is formed by removing the trailing .fif or _raw.fif from the raw data file name by appending <tag> .fif to this stem. Recommended value for <tag> is -proj .


Specify this option if you want to use the projection operator file output in the Elekta-Neuromag Signal processor (graph) software.

--eventsout <*name*>

List the digital trigger channel events to the specified file. By default, only transitions from zero to a non-zero value are listed. If multiple raw data files are specified, an equal number of --eventsout options should be present. If the file name ends with .fif, the output will be in fif format, otherwise a text event file will be output.


List all transitions to file specified with the --eventsout option.

--events <*name*>

Specifies the name of a fif or text format event file (see Event files) to be associated with a raw data file to be processed. If multiple raw data files are specified, the number of --events options can be smaller or equal to the number of raw data files. If it is equal, the event filenames will be associated with the raw data files in the order given. If it is smaller, the remaining raw data files for which an event file is not specified will not have an event file associated with them. The event file format is recognized from the file name: if it ends with .fif , the file is assumed to be in fif format, otherwise a text file is expected.

--ave <*name*>

Specifies the name of an off-line averaging description file. For details of the format of this file, please consult Description files for off-line averaging. If multiple raw data files are specified, the number of --ave options can be smaller or equal to the number of raw data files. If it is equal, the averaging description file names will be associated with the raw data files in the order given. If it is smaller, the last description file will be used for the remaining raw data files.

--saveavetag <*tag*>

If this option is present and averaging is evoked with the --ave option, the outfile and logfile options in the averaging description file are ignored. Instead, trailing .fif or _raw.fif is removed from the raw data file name and <tag> .fif or <tag> .log is appended to create the output and log file names, respectively.

--gave <*name*>

If multiple raw data files are specified as input and averaging is requested, the grand average over all data files will be saved to <name> .

--cov <*name*>

Specify the name of a description file for covariance matrix estimation. For details of the format of this file, please see Description files for covariance matrix estimation. If multiple raw data files are specified, the number of --cov options can be smaller or equal to the number of raw data files. If it is equal, the averaging description file names will be associated with the raw data files in the order given. If it is smaller, the last description file will be used for the remaining raw data files.

--savecovtag <*tag*>

If this option is present and covariance matrix estimation is evoked with the --cov option, the outfile and logfile options in the covariance estimation description file are ignored. Instead, trailing .fif or _raw.fif is removed from the raw data file name and <tag> .fif or <tag> .log is appended to create the output and log file names, respectively. For compatibility with other MNE software scripts, --savecovtag -cov is recommended.


If the --saveavetag and --savecovtag options are used to generate the file output file names, the resulting files will go to the same directory as raw data by default. With this option the output files will be generated in the current working directory instead.

--gcov <*name*>

If multiple raw data files are specified as input and covariance matrix estimation is requested, the grand average over all data files will be saved to <name> . The details of the covariance matrix estimation are given in Covariance matrix estimation.

--save <*name*>

Save a filtered and optionally down-sampled version of the data file to <name> . If multiple raw data files are specified, an equal number of --save options should be present. If <filename> ends with .fif or _raw.fif , these endings are deleted. After these modifications, _raw.fif is inserted after the remaining part of the file name. If the file is split into multiple parts (see --split option below), the additional parts will be called <name> - <number> _raw.fif

--split <*size/MB*>

Specifies the maximum size of the raw data files saved with the --save option. By default, the output is split into files which are just below 2 GB so that the fif file maximum size is not exceed.


Do not include any subject information in the output files created with the --save option.

--decim <*number*>

The data are decimated by this factor before saving to the file specified with the --save option. For decimation to succeed, the data must be lowpass filtered to less than third of the sampling frequency effective after decimation.


Usage: mne_redo_file file-to-redo


Usage: mne_redo_file_nocwd file-to-redo


--subject <*subject*>

Defines the name of the subject. This can be also accomplished by setting the SUBJECT environment variable.


Use the FreeSurfer surface files instead of the default ASCII triangulation files. Please consult Setting up the head surface triangulation files for the standard file naming scheme.


Traditionally, the vertices of the triangles in ‘tri’ files have been ordered so that, seen from the outside of the triangulation, the vertices are ordered in clockwise fashion. The fif files, however, employ the more standard convention with the vertices ordered counterclockwise. Therefore, mne_setup_forward_model by default reverses the vertex ordering before writing the fif file. If, for some reason, you have counterclockwise-ordered tri files available this behavior can be turned off by defining --noswap . When the fif file is created, the vertex ordering is checked and the process is aborted if it is incorrect after taking into account the state of the swapping. Should this happen, try to run mne_setup_forward_model again including the --noswap flag. In particular, if you employ the seglab software to create the triangulations (see Creating the BEM meshes), the --noswap flag is required. This option is ignored if --surf is specified

--ico <*number*>

This option is relevant (and required) only with the --surf option and if the surface files have been produced by the watershed algorithm. The watershed triangulations are isomorphic with an icosahedron, which has been recursively subdivided six times to yield 20480 triangles. However, this number of triangles results in a long computation time even in a workstation with generous amounts of memory. Therefore, the triangulations have to be decimated. Specifying --ico 4 yields 5120 triangles per surface while --ico 3 results in 1280 triangles. The recommended choice is --ico 4 .


Use a single compartment model (brain only) instead a three layer one (scalp, skull, and brain). Only the inner_skull.tri triangulation is required. This model is usually sufficient for MEG but invalid for EEG. If you are employing MEG data only, this option is recommended because of faster computation times. If this flag is specified, the options --brainc , --skullc , and --scalpc are irrelevant.

--brainc <*conductivity/ S/m*>

Defines the brain compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.3 S/m.

--skullc <*conductivity/ S/m*>

Defines the skull compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.006 S/m corresponding to a conductivity ratio 1/50 between the brain and skull compartments.

--scalpc <*conductivity/ S/m*>

Defines the brain compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.3 S/m.

--innershift <*value/mm*>

Shift the inner skull surface outwards along the vertex normal directions by this amount.

--outershift <*value/mm*>

Shift the outer skull surface outwards along the vertex normal directions by this amount.

--scalpshift <*value/mm*>

Shift the scalp surface outwards along the vertex normal directions by this amount.


Omit the BEM model geometry dependent data preparation step. This can be done later by running mne_setup_forward_model without the --nosol option.

--model <*name*>

Name for the BEM model geometry file. The model will be created into the directory bem as <name>- bem.fif . If this option is missing, standard model names will be used (see below).


This command sets up the directories subjects/$SUBJECT/mri/T1-neuromag and subjects/$SUBJECT/mri/brain-neuromag .


--subject <*name*>

Name of the subject in SUBJECTS_DIR. In the absence of this option, the SUBJECT environment variable will be consulted. If it is not defined, mne_setup_source_space exits with an error.

--morph <*name*>

Name of a subject in SUBJECTS_DIR. If this option is present, the source space will be first constructed for the subject defined by the –subject option or the SUBJECT environment variable and then morphed to this subject. This option is useful if you want to create a source spaces for several subjects and want to directly compare the data across subjects at the source space vertices without any morphing procedure afterwards. The drawback of this approach is that the spacing between source locations in the “morph” subject is not going to be as uniform as it would be without morphing.

--surf <*name1*>: <*name2*>:...

FreeSurfer surface file names specifying the source surfaces, separated by colons.

--spacing <*spacing/mm*>

Specifies the approximate grid spacing of the source space in mm.

--ico <*number*>

Instead of using the traditional method for cortical surface decimation it is possible to create the source space using the topology of a recursively subdivided icosahedron ( <number> > 0) or an octahedron ( <number> < 0). This method uses the cortical surface inflated to a sphere as a tool to find the appropriate vertices for the source space. The benefit of the --ico option is that the source space will have triangulation information between the decimated vertices included, which some future versions of MNE software may be able to utilize. The number of triangles increases by a factor of four in each subdivision, starting from 20 triangles in an icosahedron and 8 triangles in an octahedron. Since the number of vertices on a closed surface is \(n_{vert} = (n_{tri} + 4) / 2\), the number of vertices in the k th subdivision of an icosahedron and an octahedron are \(10 \cdot 4^k +2\) and \(4_{k + 1} + 2\), respectively. The recommended values for <number> and the corresponding number of source space locations are listed in Table 3.1.


Include all nodes to the output. The active dipole nodes are identified in the fif file by a separate tag. If tri files were used as input the output file will also contain information about the surface triangulation. This option is always recommended to include complete information.

--src <*name*>

Output file name. Use a name <dir>/<name>-src.fif


If both --ico and --spacing options are present the later one on the command line takes precedence.


Due to the differences between the FreeSurfer and MNE libraries, the number of source space points generated with the --spacing option may be different between the current version of MNE and versions 2.5 or earlier (using --spacing option to mne_setup_source_space ) if the FreeSurfer surfaces employ the (old) quadrangle format or if there are topological defects on the surfaces. All new FreeSurfer surfaces are specified as triangular tessellations and are e of defects.


Usage: mne_show_environment files

Utility command-line arguments



The utility mne_add_patch_info uses the detailed cortical surface geometry information to add data about cortical patches corresponding to each source space point. A new copy of the source space(s) included in the input file is created with the patch information included. In addition to the patch information, mne_add_patch_info can optionally calculate distances, along the cortical surface, between the vertices selected to the source space.


Depending on the speed of your computer and the options selected, mne_add_patch_info takes 5 - 30 minutes to run.

Command line options

mne_add_patch_info accepts the following command-line options:


Provide verbose output during the calculations.

--dist  <*dist/mm*>

Invokes the calculation of distances between vertices included in the source space along the cortical surface. Only pairs whose distance in the three-dimensional volume is less than the specified distance are considered. For details, see Computational details, below.

--src  <*name*>

The input source space file. The source space files usually end with -src.fif .

--srcp  <*name*>

The output source space file which will contain the patch information. If the file exists it will overwritten without asking for permission. A recommended naming convention is to add the letter p after the source spacing included in the file name. For example, if the input file is mh-7-src.fif , a recommended output file name is mh-7p-src.fif .

--w  <*name*>

Name of a w file, which will contain the patch area information. Two files will be created: <name> -lh.w and <name> -rh.w . The numbers in the files are patch areas in \(\text{mm}^2\). The source space vertices are marked with value 150.

--labeldir  <*directory*>

Create a label file corresponding to each of the patches in the given directory. The directory must be created before running mne_add_patch_info .

Computational details

By default, mne_add_patch_info creates a copy of the source space(s) with the following additional information for each vertex in the original dense triangulation of the cortex:

  • The number of the closest active source space vertex and
  • The distance to this vertex.

This information can be used to determine, e.g., the sizes of the patches, their average normals, and the standard deviation of the normal directions. This information is also returned by the mne_read_source_space Matlab function as described in Table 10.28.

The --dist option to mne_add_patch_info invokes the calculation of inter-vertex distances. These distances are computed along the the cortical surface (usually the white matter) on which the source space vertices are located.

Since the calculation of all possible distances would take a very long time, the distance given with the --dist option allows restriction to the neighborhood of each source space vertex. This neighborhood is defined as the sphere around each source space vertex, with radius given by the --dist option. Because the distance calculation is done along the folded cortical surface whose details are given by the dense triangulation of the cortical surface produced by FreeSurfer, some of the distances computed will be larger than the value give with –dist.


Add new data to meas info.

--add <name>

The file to add.

--dest <name>

the destination file.



The utility mne_add_triggers modifies the digital trigger channel (STI 014) in raw data files to include additional transitions. Since the raw data file is modified, it is possible to make irreversible changes. Use this utility with caution. It is recommended that you never run mne_add_triggers on an original raw data file.

Command line options

mne_add_triggers accepts the following command-line options:

--raw  <*name*>

Specifies the raw data file to be modified.

--trg  <*name*>

Specifies the trigger line modification list. This text file should contain two entries per line: the sample number and the trigger number to be added into the file. The number of the first sample in the file is zero. It is recommended that trigger numbers whose binary equivalent has lower eight bits equal to zero are used to avoid conflicts with the ordinary triggers occurring in the file.


Delete the triggers defined by the trigger file instead of adding them. This enables changing the file to its original state, provided that the trigger file is preserved.


Since mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw can employ an event file which effectively adds new trigger instants, mne_add_triggers is for the most part obsolete but it has been retained in the MNE software suite for backward compatibility.


The utility mne_annot2labels converts cortical parcellation data into a set of labels. The parcellation data are read from the directory $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/label and the resulting labels are written to the current directory. mne_annot2labels requires that the environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR is set. The command line options for mne_annot2labels are:

--subject  <*name*>

Specifies the name of the subject. If this option is not present the $SUBJECT environment variable is consulted. If the subject name cannot be determined, the program quits.

--parc  <*name*>

Specifies the parcellation name to convert. The corresponding parcellation file names will be $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/label/ <hemi> h. <name> .annot where <hemi> is l or r for the left and right hemisphere, respectively.


Depending no the settings during acquisition in the Elekta-Neuromag EEG/MEG systems the data files may contain subject identifying information in unencrypted form. The utility mne_anonymize was written to clear tags containing such information from a fif file. Specifically, this utility removes the following tags from the fif file:

Tags cleared by mne_anonymize .
Tag Description
FIFF_SUBJ_FIRST_NAME First name of the subject
FIFF_SUBJ_MIDDLE_NAME Middle name of the subject
FIFF_SUBJ_LAST_NAME Last name of the subject
FIFF_SUBJ_BIRTH_DAY Birthday of the subject (Julian day number)
FIFF_SUBJ_SEX The sex of the subject
FIFF_SUBJ_HAND Handedness of the subject
FIFF_SUBJ_WEIGHT Weight of the subject in kg
FIFF_SUBJ_HEIGHT Height of the subject in m
FIFF_SUBJ_COMMENT Comment about the subject


mne_anonymize normally keeps the FIFF_SUBJ_HIS_ID tag which can be used to identify the subjects uniquely after the information listed in Tags cleared by mne_anonymize . have been removed. If the --his option is specified on the command line, the FIFF_SUBJ_HIS_ID tag will be removed as well. The data of the tags listed in Tags cleared by mne_anonymize . and the optional FIFF_SUBJ_HIS_ID tag are overwritten with zeros and the space claimed by omitting these tags is added to the free space list of the file. Therefore, after mne_anonymize has processed a data file there is no way to recover the removed information. Use this utility with caution.

mne_anonymize recognizes the following command-line options:


Remove the FIFF_SUBJ_HIS_ID tag as well, see above.

--file  <*name*>

Specifies the name of the file to be modified.


You need write permission to the file to be processed.


--fwd <*name*> :[ <*weight*> ]

Specifies a forward solution to include. If no weight is specified, 1.0 is assumed. In the averaging process the weights are divided by their sum. For example, if two forward solutions are averaged and their specified weights are 2 and 3, the average is formed with a weight of 2/5 for the first solution and 3/5 for the second one.

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output file which will contain the averaged forward solution.


The utility mne_brain_vision2fiff was created to import BrainVision EEG data. This utility also helps to import the eXimia (Nexstim) TMS-compatible EEG system data to the MNE software. The utility uses an optional fif file containing the head digitization data to allow source modeling. The MNE Matlab toolbox contains the function fiff_write_dig_file to write a digitization file based on digitization data available in another format, see Matlab toolbox.


mne_brain_vision2fiff reads events from the vmrk file referenced in the vhdr file, but it only includes events whose “Type” is Stimulus and whose “description” is given by S<number>. All other events are ignored.

The command-line options of mne_brain_vision2fiff are:

--header <*name*>

The name of the BrainVision header file. The extension of this file is vhdr . The header file typically refers to a marker file (vmrk ) which is automatically processed and a digital trigger channel (STI 014) is formed from the marker information. The vmrk file is ignored if the --eximia option is present.

--dig <*name*>

The name of the fif file containing the digitization data.


Use the original EEG channel labels. If this option is absent the EEG channels will be automatically renamed to EEG 001, EEG 002, etc.


Interpret this as an eXimia data file. The first three channels will be thresholded and interpreted as trigger channels. The composite digital trigger channel will be composed in the same way as in the mne_kit2fiff utility. In addition, the fourth channel will be assigned as an EOG channel. This option is normally used by the mne_eximia2fiff script.

--split <*size/MB*>

Split the output data into several files which are no more than <size> MB. By default, the output is split into files which are just below 2 GB so that the fif file maximum size is not exceeded.

--out <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the output fif format data file. If <filename> ends with .fif or _raw.fif , these endings are deleted. After these modifications, _raw.fif is inserted after the remaining part of the file name. If the file is split into multiple parts, the additional parts will be called <name> - <number> _raw.fif .


The utility mne_change_baselines computes baseline values and applies them to an evoked-response data file. The command-line options are:

--in  <*name*>

Specifies the input data file.

--set  <*number*>

The data set number to compute baselines from or to apply baselines to. If this option is omitted, all average data sets in the input file are processed.

--out  <*name*>

The output file.

--baselines  <*name*>

Specifies a text file which contains the baseline values to be applied. Each line should contain a channel name, colon, and the baseline value given in ‘native’ units (T/m, T, or V). If this option is encountered, the limits specified by previous --bmin and --bmax options will not have an effect.

--list  <*name*>

Specifies a text file to contain the baseline values. Listing is provided only if a specific data set is selected with the --set option.

--bmin  <*value/ms*>

Lower limit of the baseline. Effective only if --baselines option is not present. Both --bmin and --bmax must be present to compute the baseline values. If either --bmin or --bmax is encountered, previous --baselines option will be ignored.

--bmax  <*value/ms*>

Upper limit of the baseline.


Usage: mne_change_nave --nave <number> <meas file> ...


Some versions of the Neuromag acquisition software did not copy the EEG channel location information properly from the Polhemus digitizer information data block to the EEG channel information records if the number of EEG channels exceeds 60. The purpose of mne_check_eeg_locations is to detect this problem and fix it, if requested. The command-line options are:

--file  <*name*>

Specify the measurement data file to be checked or modified.

--dig  <*name*>

Name of the file containing the Polhemus digitizer information. Default is the data file name.


By default mne_check_eeg_locations only checks for missing EEG locations (locations close to the origin). With –fix mne_check_eeg_locations reads the Polhemus data from the specified file and copies the EEG electrode location information to the channel information records in the measurement file. There is no harm running mne_check_eeg_locations on a data file even if the EEG channel locations were correct in the first place.


This program just reads a surface file to check whether it is valid.

--surf <name>

The input file (FreeSurfer surface format).

--bem <name>

The input file (a BEM fif file)

--id <id>

Surface id to list (default : 4)

  • 4 for outer skin (scalp) surface * 3 for outer skull surface * 1 for inner skull surface


Do more thorough testing


The utility mne_collect_transforms collects coordinate transform information from various sources and saves them into a single fif file. The coordinate transformations used by MNE software are summarized in Figure 5.1. The output of mne_collect_transforms may include all transforms referred to therein except for the sensor coordinate system transformations \(T_{s_1} \dotso T_{s_n}\). The command-line options are:

--meas <*name*>

Specifies a measurement data file which provides \(T_1\). A forward solution or an inverse operator file can also be specified as implied by Table 5.1.

--mri <*name*>

Specifies an MRI description or a standalone coordinate transformation file produced by mne_analyze which provides \(T_2\). If the --mgh option is not present mne_collect_transforms also tries to find \(T_3\), \(T_4\), \(T_-\), and \(T_+\) from this file.

--mgh <*name*>

An MRI volume volume file in mgh or mgz format. This file provides \(T_3\). The transformation \(T_4\) will be read from the talairach.xfm file referred to in the MRI volume. The fixed transforms \(T_-\) and \(T_+\) will also be created.

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output file. If this option is not present, the collected transformations will be output on screen but not saved.


--in <*name*>

Specifies the input data file.

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output data file.

--grad <*number*>

Specifies the desired compensation grade in the output file. The value can be 1, 2, 3, or 101. The values starting from 101 will be used for 4D Magnes compensation matrices.


Only average data is included in the output. Evoked-response data files produced with mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw may include standard errors of mean, which can not be re-compensated using the above method and are thus omitted.


Raw data cannot be compensated using mne_compensate_data . For this purpose, load the data to mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw , specify the desired compensation grade, and save a new raw data file.


In order for the inverse operator calculation to work correctly with data processed with the Elekta-Neuromag Maxfilter (TM) software, the so-called processing history block must be included in data files. Previous versions of the MNE Matlab functions did not copy processing history to files saved. As of March 30, 2009, the Matlab toolbox routines fiff_start_writing_raw and fiff_write_evoked have been enchanced to include these data to the output file as appropriate. If you have older raw data files created in Matlab from input which has been processed Maxfilter, it is necessary to copy the processing history block from the original to modified raw data file using the mne_copy_processing_history utility described below. The raw data processing programs mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw have handled copying of the processing history since revision 2.5 of the MNE software.

mne_copy_processing_history is simple to use:

mne_copy_processing_history --from <from> --to <to> ,

where <from> is an original raw data file containing the processing history and <to> is a file output with older MNE Matlab routines. Be careful: this operation cannot be undone. If the <from> file does not have the processing history block or the <to> file already has it, the destination file remains unchanged.


Converts Polhemus digitization data between different file formats. The input formats are:


The standard format used in MNE. The digitization data are typically present in the measurement files.


A text format which is a translation of the fif format data, see The hpts format below.


A text format produced by the Source Signal Imaging, Inc. software. For description of this “probe” format, see http://www.sourcesignal.com/formats_probe.html.

The data can be output in fif and hpts formats. Only the last command-line option specifying an input file will be honored. Zero or more output file options can be present on the command line.


The elp and hpts input files may contain textual EEG electrode labels. They will not be copied to the fif format output.

The command-line options of mne_convert_dig_data are:

--fif <*name*>

Specifies the name of an input fif file.

--hpts <*name*>

Specifies the name of an input hpts file.

--elp <*name*>

Specifies the name of an input elp file.

--fifout <*name*>

Specifies the name of an output fif file.

--hptsout <*name*>

Specifies the name of an output hpts file.


The fif and hpts input files are assumed to contain data in the MNE head coordinate system, see The head and device coordinate systems. With this option present, the data are transformed to the MNE head coordinate system with help of the fiducial locations in the data. Use this option if this is not the case or if you are unsure about the definition of the coordinate system of the fif and hpts input data. This option is implied with elp input files. If this option is present, the fif format output file will contain the transformation between the original digitizer data coordinates the MNE head coordinate system.

The hpts format

The hpts format digitzer data file may contain comment lines starting with the pound sign (#) and data lines of the form:

<category> <identifier> <x/mm> <y/mm> <z/mm>


“ <category>“

defines the type of points. Allowed categories are: hpi , cardinal (fiducial ),eeg , and extra corresponding to head-position indicator coil locations, cardinal landmarks, EEG electrode locations, and additional head surface points, respectively. Note that tkmedit does not recognize the fiducial as an alias for cardinal .

“ <identifier>“

identifies the point. The identifiers are usually sequential numbers. For cardinal landmarks, 1 = left auricular point, 2 = nasion, and 3 = right auricular point. For EEG electrodes, identifier = 0 signifies the reference electrode. Some programs (not tkmedit ) accept electrode labels as identifiers in the eeg category.

“ <x/mm> , <y/mm> , <z/mm>“

Location of the point, usually in the MEG head coordinate system, see The head and device coordinate systems. Some programs have options to accept coordinates in meters instead of millimeters. With --meters option, mne_transform_points lists the coordinates in meters.


The utility mne_convert_lspcov converts a LISP-format noise-covariance file, produced by the Neuromag signal processor, graph into fif format.

The command-line options are:

--lspcov <*name*>

The LISP noise-covariance matrix file to be converted.

--meas <*name*>

A fif format measurement file used to assign channel names to the noise-covariance matrix elements. This file should have precisely the same channel order within MEG and EEG as the LISP-format covariance matrix file.

--out <*name*>

The name of a fif format output file. The file name should end with -cov.fif.text format output file. No information about the channel names is included. The covariance matrix file is listed row by row. This file can be loaded to MATLAB, for example

--outasc <*name*>

The name of a text format output file. No information about the channel names is included. The covariance matrix file is listed row by row. This file can be loaded to MATLAB, for example


The ncov file format was used to store the noise-covariance matrix file. The MNE software requires that the covariance matrix files are in fif format. The utility mne_convert_ncov converts ncov files to fif format.

The command-line options are:

--ncov <*name*>

The ncov file to be converted.

--meas <*name*>

A fif format measurement file used to assign channel names to the noise-covariance matrix elements. This file should have precisely the same channel order within MEG and EEG as the ncov file. Typically, both the ncov file and the measurement file are created by the now mature off-line averager, meg_average.


The utility mne_convert_surface converts surface data files between different formats.


The MNE Matlab toolbox functions enable reading of FreeSurfer surface files directly. Therefore, the --mat option has been removed. The dfs file format conversion functionality has been moved here from mne_convert_dfs . Consequently, mne_convert_dfs has been removed from MNE software.

command-line options

mne_convert_surface accepts the following command-line options:

--fif <*name*>

Specifies a fif format input file. The first surface (source space) from this file will be read.

--tri <*name*>

Specifies a text format input file. The format of this file is described in Tessellation file format.


The unit of measure for the vertex locations in a text input files is meters instead of the default millimeters. This option does not have any effect on the interpretation of the FreeSurfer surface files specified with the --surf option.


Swap the ordering or the triangle vertices. The standard convention in the MNE software is to have the vertices in text format files ordered so that the vector cross product of the vectors from vertex 1 to 2 and 1 to 3 gives the direction of the outward surface normal. This is also called the counterclockwise ordering. If your text input file does not comply with this right-hand rule, use the --swap option. This option does not have any effect on the interpretation of the FreeSurfer surface files specified with the --surf option.

--surf <*name*>

Specifies a FreeSurfer format input file.

--dfs <*name*>

Specifies the name of a dfs file to be converted. The surfaces produced by BrainSuite are in the dfs format.

--mghmri <*name*>

Specifies a mgh/mgz format MRI data file which will be used to define the coordinate transformation to be applied to the data read from a dfs file to bring it to the FreeSurfer MRI coordinates, i.e., the coordinate system of the MRI stack in the file. In addition, this option can be used to insert “volume geometry” information to the FreeSurfer surface file output (--surfout option). If the input file already contains the volume geometry information, –replacegeom is needed to override the input volume geometry and to proceed to writing the data.


Replaces existing volume geometry information. Used in conjunction with the --mghmri option described above.

--fifmri <*name*>

Specifies a fif format MRI destription file which will be used to define the coordinate transformation to be applied to the data read from a dfs file to bring it to the same coordinate system as the MRI stack in the file.

--trans <*name*>

Specifies the name of a text file which contains the coordinate transformation to be applied to the data read from the dfs file to bring it to the MRI coordinates, see below. This option is rarely needed.


By default, the dfs surface nodes are assumed to be in a right-anterior-superior (RAS) coordinate system with its origin at the left-posterior-inferior (LPI) corner of the MRI stack. Sometimes the dfs file has left and right flipped. This option reverses this flip, i.e., assumes the surface coordinate system is left-anterior-superior (LAS) with its origin in the right-posterior-inferior (RPI) corner of the MRI stack.

--shift <*value/mm*>

Shift the surface vertices to the direction of the surface normals by this amount before saving the surface.

--surfout <*name*>

Specifies a FreeSurfer format output file.

--fifout <*name*>

Specifies a fif format output file.

--triout <*name*>

Specifies an ASCII output file that will contain the surface data in the triangle file format desribed in Tessellation file format.

--pntout <*name*>

Specifies a ASCII output file which will contain the vertex numbers only.


With this option the ASCII output will list the vertex coordinates in meters instead of millimeters.


Defines the vertex ordering of ASCII triangle files to be output. For details, see --swap option, above.

--smfout <*name*>

Specifies a smf (Simple Model Format) output file. For details of this format, see http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/smf/smf.txt.


Multiple output options can be specified to produce outputs in several different formats with a single invocation of mne_convert_surface .

The coordinate transformation file specified with the --trans should contain a 4 x 4 coordinate transformation matrix:

\[\begin{split}T = \begin{bmatrix} R_{11} & R_{12} & R_{13} & x_0 \\ R_{13} & R_{13} & R_{13} & y_0 \\ R_{13} & R_{13} & R_{13} & z_0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

defined so that if the augmented location vectors in the dfs file and MRI coordinate systems are denoted by \(r_{dfs} = [x_{dfs} y_{dfs} z_{dfs} 1]^T\) and \(r_{MRI} = [x_{MRI} y_{MRI} z_{MRI} 1]^T\), respectively,

\[r_{MRI} = Tr_{dfs}\]



The utility mne_cov2proj picks eigenvectors from a covariance matrix and outputs them as a signal-space projection (SSP) file.

Command line options

mne_cov2proj accepts the following command-line options:

--cov  <*name*>

The covariance matrix file to be used a source. The covariance matrix files usually end with -cov.fif .

--proj  <*name*>

The output file to contain the projection. It is recommended that the file name ends with -proj.fif .

--bad  <*name*>

Specify channels not to be included when an eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix is computed.

--include  <*val1*> [: <*val2*> ]

Select an eigenvector or a range of eigenvectors to include. It is recommended that magnetometers, gradiometers, and EEG data are handled separately with help of the --bad , --meg , --megmag , --meggrad , and --eeg options.


After loading the covariance matrix, modify it so that only elements corresponding to MEG channels are included.


After loading the covariance matrix, modify it so that only elements corresponding to EEG channels are included.


After loading the covariance matrix, modify it so that only elements corresponding to MEG magnetometer channels are included.


After loading the covariance matrix, modify it so that only elements corresponding to MEG planar gradiometer channels are included.


The --megmag and --meggrad employ the Vectorview channel numbering scheme to recognize MEG magnetometers (channel names ending with ‘1’) and planar gradiometers (other channels). Therefore, these options are only meaningful in conjunction with data acquired with a Neuromag Vectorview system.


--in <*name*>

Specifies the input text file containing the compensation data.

--kind <*value*>

The compensation type to be stored in the output file with the data. This value defaults to 101 for the Magnes compensation and does not need to be changed.

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output fif file containing the compensation channel weight matrix \(C_{(k)}\), see Applying software gradient compensation.

The format of the text-format compensation data file is:

<number of MEG helmet channels> <number of compensation channels included> <cname_1> <cname_2> … <name_1> <weights> <name_2> <weights> …

In the above <name_k> denote names of MEG helmet channels and <cname_k> those of the compensation channels, respectively. If the channel names contain spaces, they must be surrounded by quotes, for example, "MEG 0111" .



Produce a verbose listing of the conversion process to stdout.

--ds <*directory*>

Read the data from this directory

--omit <*filename*>

Read the names of channels to be omitted from this text file. Enter one channel name per line. The names should match exactly with those listed in the CTF data structures. By default, all channels are included.

--fif <*filename*>

The name of the output file. If the length of the raw data exceeds the 2-GByte fif file limit, several output files will be produced. These additional ‘extension’ files will be tagged with _001.fif , _002.fif , etc.


Produce and evoked-response fif file instead of a raw data file. Each trial in the CTF data file is included as a separate category (condition). The maximum number of samples in each trial is limited to 25000.


Write only the measurement info to the output file, do not include data.

During conversion, the following files are consulted from the ds directory:

“ <name> .res4“

This file contains most of the header information pertaining the acquisition.

“ <name> .hc“

This file contains the HPI coil locations in sensor and head coordinates.

“ <name> .meg4“

This file contains the actual MEG data. If the data are split across several files due to the 2-GByte file size restriction, the ‘extension’ files are called <name> . <number> _meg4 .

“ <name> .eeg“

This is an optional input file containing the EEG electrode locations. More details are given below.

If the <name> .eeg file, produced from the Polhemus data file with CTF software, is present, it is assumed to contain lines with the format:

<number> <name> <x/cm> <y/cm> <z/cm>

The field <number> is a sequential number to be assigned to the converted data point in the fif file. <name> is either a name of an EEG channel, one of left , right , or nasion to indicate a fiducial landmark, or any word which is not a name of any channel in the data. If <name> is a name of an EEG channel available in the data, the location is included in the Polhemus data as an EEG electrode locations and inserted as the location of the EEG electrode. If the name is one of the fiducial landmark names, the point is included in the Polhemus data as a fiducial landmark. Otherwise, the point is included as an additional head surface points.

The standard eeg file produced by CTF software does not contain the fiducial locations. If desired, they can be manually copied from the pos file which was the source of the eeg file.


In newer CTF data the EEG position information maybe present in the res4 file. If the eeg file is present, the positions given there take precedence over the information in the res4 file.


mne_ctf2fiff converts both epoch mode and continuous raw data file into raw data fif files. It is not advisable to use epoch mode files with time gaps between the epochs because the data will be discontinuous in the resulting fif file with jumps at the junctions between epochs. These discontinuities produce artefacts if the raw data is filtered in mne_browse_raw , mne_process_raw , or graph .


The conversion process includes a transformation from the CTF head coordinate system convention to that used in the Neuromag systems.


The input data to mne_ctf_dig2fiff is a text file, which contains the coordinates of the digitization points in centimeters. The first line should contain a single number which is the number of points listed in the file. Each of the following lines contains a sequential number of the point, followed by the three coordinates. mne_ctf_dig2fiff ignores any text following the \(z\) coordinate on each line. If the --numfids option is specified, the first three points indicate the three fiducial locations (1 = nasion, 2 = left auricular point, 3 = right auricular point). Otherwise, the input file must end with three lines beginning with left , right , or nasion to indicate the locations of the fiducial landmarks, respectively.


The sequential numbers should be unique within a file. I particular, the numbers 1, 2, and 3 must not be appear more than once if the --numfids options is used.

The command-line options for mne_ctf_dig2fiff are:

--dig <*name*>

Specifies the input data file in CTF output format.


Fiducial locations are numbered instead of labeled, see above.

--hpts <*name*>

Specifies the output hpts file. The format of this text file is described in The hpts format.

--fif <*name*>

Specifies the output fif file.


Print essential information about a dicom file.

--in <name>

The input file.


The mne_edf2fiff allows conversion of EEG data from EDF, EDF+, and BDF formats to the fif format. Documentation for these three input formats can be found at:




EDF (European Data Format) and EDF+ are 16-bit formats while BDF is a 24-bit variant of this format used by the EEG systems manufactured by a company called BioSemi.

None of these formats support electrode location information and head shape digitization information. Therefore, this information has to be provided separately. Presently hpts and elp file formats are supported to include digitization data. For information on these formats, see The hpts format and http://www.sourcesignal.com/formats_probe.html. Note that it is mandatory to have the three fiducial locations (nasion and the two auricular points) included in the digitization data. Using the locations of the fiducial points the digitization data are converted to the MEG head coordinate system employed in the MNE software, see The head and device coordinate systems. In the comparison of the channel names only the initial segment up to the first ‘-‘ (dash) in the EDF/EDF+/BDF channel name is significant.

The EDF+ files may contain an annotation channel which can be used to store trigger information. The Time-stamped Annotation Lists (TALs) on the annotation data can be converted to a trigger channel (STI 014) using an annotation map file which associates an annotation label with a number on the trigger channel. The TALs can be listed with the --listtal option, see below.


The data samples in a BDF file are represented in a 3-byte (24-bit) format. Since 3-byte raw data buffers are not presently supported in the fif format these data will be changed to 4-byte integers in the conversion. Since the maximum size of a fif file is 2 GBytes, the maximum size of a BDF file to be converted is approximately 1.5 GBytes


The EDF/EDF+/BDF formats support channel dependent sampling rates. This feature is not supported by mne_edf2fiff . However, the annotation channel in the EDF+ format can have a different sampling rate. The annotation channel data is not included in the fif files output.

Using mne_edf2fiff

The command-line options of mne_edf2fiff are:

--edf <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the raw data file to process.

--tal <*filename*>

List the time-stamped annotation list (TAL) data from an EDF+ file here. This output is useful to assist in creating the annotation map file, see the --annotmap option, below. This output file is an event file compatible with mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw , see Browsing raw data with mne_browse_raw. In addition, in the mapping between TAL labels and trigger numbers provided by the --annotmap option is employed to assign trigger numbers in the event file produced. In the absence of the --annotmap option default trigger number 1024 is used.

--annotmap <*filename*>

Specify a file which maps the labels of the TALs to numbers on a trigger channel (STI 014) which will be added to the output file if this option is present. This annotation map file may contain comment lines starting with the ‘%’ or ‘#’ characters. The data lines contain a label-number pair, separated by a colon. For example, a line ‘Trigger-1:9’ means that each annotation labeled with the text ‘Trigger-1’ will be translated to the number 9 on the trigger channel.

--elp <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the an electrode location file. This file is in the “probe” file format used by the Source Signal Imaging, Inc. software. For description of the format, see http://www.sourcesignal.com/formats_probe.html. Note that some other software packages may produce electrode-position files with the elp ending not conforming to the above specification. As discussed above, the fiducial marker locations, optional in the “probe” file format specification are mandatory for mne_edf2fiff . When this option is encountered on the command line any previously specified hpts file will be ignored.

--hpts <*filename*>

Specifies the name of an electrode position file in the hpts format discussed in The hpts format. The mandatory entries are the fiducial marker locations and the EEG electrode locations. It is recommended that electrode (channel) names instead of numbers are used to label the EEG electrode locations. When this option is encountered on the command line any previously specified elp file will be ignored.


Assumes that the digitization data in an hpts file is given in meters instead of millimeters.

--fif <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the fif file to be output.

Post-conversion tasks

This section outlines additional steps to be taken to use the EDF/EDF+/BDF file is converted to the fif format in MNE:

  • Some of the channels may not have a digitized electrode location associated with them. If these channels are used for EOG or EMG measurements, their channel types should be changed to the correct ones using the mne_rename_channels utility, EEG channels which do not have a location associated with them should be assigned to be MISC channels.
  • After the channel types are correctly defined, a topographical layout file can be created for mne_browse_raw and mne_analyze using the mne_make_eeg_layout utility.
  • The trigger channel name in BDF files is “Status”. This must be specified with the --digtrig option or with help of the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable when mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw is invoked.
  • Only the two least significant bytes on the “Status” channel of BDF files are significant as trigger information the --digtrigmask 0xff option MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable should be used to specify this to mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw,


The utility mne_epochs2mat converts epoch data including all or selected channels from a raw data file to a simple binary file with an associated description file in Matlab mat file format. With help of the description file, a matlab program can easily read the epoch data from the simple binary file. Signal space projection and bandpass filtering can be optionally applied to the raw data prior to saving the epochs.


The MNE Matlab toolbox described in Matlab toolbox provides direct access to raw fif files without conversion with mne_epochs2mat first. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the Matlab toolbox rather than mne_epochs2mat which creates large files occupying disk space unnecessarily. An exception to this is the case where you apply a filter to the data and save the band-pass filtered epochs.

Command-line options

mne_epochs2mat accepts the following command-line options are:

--raw <*name*>

Specifies the name of the raw data fif file to use as input.

--mat <*name*>

Specifies the name of the destination file. Anything following the last period in the file name will be removed before composing the output file name. The binary epoch file will be called <trimmed name> .epochs and the corresponding Matlab description file will be <trimmed name> _desc.mat .

--tag <*tag*>

By default, all Matlab variables included in the description file start with mne\_. This option changes the prefix to <tag> _.

--events <*name*>

The file containing the event definitions. This can be a text or fif format file produced by mne_process_raw or mne_browse_raw. With help of this file it is possible to select virtually any data segment from the raw data file. If this option is missing, the digital trigger channel in the raw data file or a fif format event file produced automatically by mne_process_raw or mne_browse_raw is consulted for event information.

--event <*name*>

Event number identifying the epochs of interest.

--tmin <*time/ms*>

The starting point of the epoch with respect to the event of interest.

--tmax <*time/ms*>

The endpoint of the epoch with respect to the event of interest.

--sel <*name*>

Specifies a text file which contains the names of the channels to include in the output file, one channel name per line. If the --inv option is specified, --sel is ignored. If neither --inv nor --sel is present, all MEG and EEG channels are included. The digital trigger channel can be included with the --includetrig option, described below.

--inv <*name*>

Specifies an inverse operator, which will be employed in two ways. First, the channels included to output will be those included in the inverse operator. Second, any signal-space projection operator present in the inverse operator file will be applied to the data. This option cancels the effect of --sel and --proj options.

--digtrig <*name*>

Name of the composite digital trigger channel. The default value is ‘STI 014’. Underscores in the channel name will be replaced by spaces.

--digtrigmask <*number*>

Mask to be applied to the trigger channel values before considering them. This option is useful if one wants to set some bits in a don’t care state. For example, some finger response pads keep the trigger lines high if not in use, i.e., a finger is not in place. Yet, it is convenient to keep these devices permanently connected to the acquisition system. The number can be given in decimal or hexadecimal format (beginning with 0x or 0X). For example, the value 255 (0xFF) means that only the lowest order byte (usually trigger lines 1 - 8 or bits 0 - 7) will be considered.


Add the digital trigger channel to the list of channels to output. This option should not be used if the trigger channel is already included in the selection specified with the --sel option.

--filtersize <*size*>

Adjust the length of the FFT to be applied in filtering. The number will be rounded up to the next power of two. If the size is \(N\), the corresponding length of time is \(^N/_{f_s}\), where \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency of your data. The filtering procedure includes overlapping tapers of length \(^N/_2\) so that the total FFT length will actually be \(2N\). The default value is 4096.

--highpass <*value/Hz*>

Highpass filter frequency limit. If this is too low with respect to the selected FFT length and data file sampling frequency, the data will not be highpass filtered. You can experiment with the interactive version to find the lowest applicable filter for your data. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 0, i.e., no highpass filter in effect.

--highpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the highpass filter. The default is 6 frequency bins, where one bin is \(^{f_s}/_{(2N)}\).

--lowpass <*value/Hz*>

Lowpass filter frequency limit. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 40 Hz.

--lowpassw <*value/Hz*>

The width of the transition band of the lowpass filter. This value can be adjusted in the interactive version of the program. The default is 5 Hz.


Do not filter the data.

--proj <*name*>

Include signal-space projection (SSP) information from this file. If the --inv option is present, --proj has no effect.


Baseline has not been subtracted from the epochs. This has to be done in subsequent processing with Matlab if so desired.


Strictly speaking, trigger mask value zero would mean that all trigger inputs are ignored. However, for convenience, setting the mask to zero or not setting it at all has the same effect as 0xFFFFFFFF, i.e., all bits set.


The digital trigger channel can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable. Underscores in the variable value will not be replaced with spaces by mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw . Using the --digtrig option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable.


The digital trigger channel mask can also be set with the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable. Using the --digtrigmask option supersedes the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_MASK environment variable.

The binary epoch data file

mne_epochs2mat saves the epoch data extracted from the raw data file is a simple binary file. The data are stored as big-endian single-precision floating point numbers. Assuming that each of the total of \(p\) epochs contains \(n\) channels and \(m\) time points, the data \(s_{jkl}\) are ordered as

\[s_{111} \dotso s_{1n1} s_{211} \dotso s_{mn1} \dotso s_{mnp}\ ,\]

where the first index stands for the time point, the second for the channel, and the third for the epoch number, respectively. The data are not calibrated, i.e., the calibration factors present in the Matlab description file have to be applied to get to physical units as described below.


The maximum size of an epoch data file is 2 Gbytes, i.e., 0.5 Gsamples.

Matlab data structures

The Matlab description files output by mne_epochs2mat contain a data structure <tag>_epoch_info . The fields of the this structure are listed in The fields of the raw data info structure.. Further explanation of the epochs member is provided in The epochs member of the raw data info structure..

The fields of the raw data info structure.
Variable Size Description
orig_file string The name of the original fif file specified with the --raw option.
epoch_file string The name of the epoch data file produced by mne_epocs2mat.
nchan 1 Number of channels.
nepoch 1 Total number of epochs.
epochs nepoch x 5 Description of the content of the epoch data file, see The epochs member of the raw data info structure..
sfreq 1 The sampling frequency in Hz.
lowpass 1 Lowpass filter frequency (Hz)
highpass 1 Highpass filter frequency (Hz)
ch_names nchan (string) String array containing the names of the channels included
ch_types nchan x 2 The column lists the types of the channels (1 = MEG, 2 = EEG). The second column lists the coil types, see Normal coil descriptions. and Accurate coil descriptions. For EEG electrodes, this value equals one.
ch_lognos nchan x 1 Logical channel numbers as listed in the fiff file
ch_units nchan x 2 Units and unit multipliers as listed in the fif file. The unit of the data is listed in the first column (T = 112, T/m = 201, V = 107). At present, the second column will be always zero, i.e., no unit multiplier.
ch_pos nchan x 12 The location information for each channel. The first three values specify the origin of the sensor coordinate system or the location of the electrode. For MEG channels, the following nine number specify the x, y, and z-direction unit vectors of the sensor coordinate system. For EEG electrodes the first vector after the electrode location specifies the location of the reference electrode. If the reference is not specified this value is all zeroes. The remaining unit vectors are irrelevant for EEG electrodes.
ch_cals nchan x 2 The raw data output by mne_raw2mat are not calibrated. The first column is the range member of the fiff data structures and while the second is the cal member. To get calibrated data values in the units given in ch_units from the raw data, the data must be multiplied with the product of range and cal .
meg_head_trans 4 x 4 The coordinate frame transformation from the MEG device coordinates to the MEG head coordinates.
The epochs member of the raw data info structure.
Column Contents
1 The raw data type (2 or 16 = 2-byte signed integer, 3 = 4-byte signed integer, 4 = single-precision float). The epoch data are written using the big-endian byte order. The data are stored sample by sample.
2 Byte location of this epoch in the binary epoch file.
3 First sample of this epoch in the original raw data file.
4 First sample of the epoch with respect to the event.
5 Number of samples in the epoch.


For source modelling purposes, it is recommended that the MNE Matlab toolbox, see Matlab toolbox is employed to read the measurement info instead of using the channel information in the raw data info structure described in The fields of the raw data info structure..


Print a summary of evoked-response data sets in a file (averages only).

--in <name>

The input file.



mne_eximia2fiff [--dig dfile ] [--orignames ] file1 file2 …

where file1 file2 … are eXimia nxe files and the --orignames option is passed on to mne_brain_vision2fiff. If you want to convert all data files in a directory, say

mne_eximia2fiff *.nxe

The optional file specified with the --dig option is assumed to contain digitizer data from the recording in the Nexstim format. The resulting fif data file will contain these data converted to the fif format as well as the coordinate transformation between the eXimia digitizer and MNE head coordinate systems.


This script converts raw data files only.



The utility mne_fit_sphere_to_surf finds the sphere which best fits a given surface.

Command line options

mne_fit_sphere_to_surf accepts the following command-line options:

--bem  <*name*>

A BEM file to use. The names of these files usually end with bem.fif or bem-sol.fif .

--surf  <*name*>

A FreeSurfer surface file to read. This is an alternative to using a surface from the BEM file.


Use the scalp surface instead of the inner skull surface in sphere fitting. If the surface is specified with the --surf option, this one is irrelevant.

--mritrans  <*name*>

A file containing a transformation matrix between the MEG head coordinates and MRI coordinates. With this option, the sphere origin will be output in MEG head coordinates. Otherwise the output will be in MRI coordinates.


The purpose of mne_fix_mag_coil_types is to change coil type 3022 to 3024 in the MEG channel definition records in the data files specified on the command line.

As shown in Tables 5.2 and 5.3, the Neuromag Vectorview systems can contain magnetometers with two different coil sizes (coil types 3022 and 3023 vs. 3024). The systems incorporating coils of type 3024 were introduced last. At some sites the data files have still defined the magnetometers to be of type 3022 to ensure compatibility with older versions of Neuromag software. In the MNE software as well as in the present version of Neuromag software coil type 3024 is fully supported. Therefore, it is now safe to upgrade the data files to use the true coil type.

If the --magnes option is specified, the 4D Magnes magnetometer coil type (4001) is changed to 4D Magnes gradiometer coil type (4002). Use this option always and only if your Magnes data comes from a system with axial gradiometers instead of magnetometers. The fif converter included with the Magnes system does not assign the gradiometer coil type correctly.


The effect of the difference between the coil sizes of magnetometer types 3022 and 3024 on the current estimates computed by the MNE software is very small. Therefore the use of mne_fix_mag_coil_types is not mandatory.


Some earlier versions of the Neuromag acquisition software had a problem with the encoding of the eighth bit on the digital stimulus channel STI 014. This problem has been now fixed. Old data files can be fixed with mne_fix_stim14 , which takes raw data file names as arguments. mne_fix_stim14 also changes the calibration of STI 014 to unity. If the encoding of STI 014 is already correct, running mne_fix_stim14 will not have any effect on the raw data.

In newer Neuromag Vectorview systems with 16-bit digital inputs the upper two bytes of the samples may be incorrectly set when stimulus input 16 is used and the data are acquired in the 32-bit mode. This problem can be fixed by running mne_fix_stim14 on a raw data file with the --32 option:

mne_fix_stim14 --32 <raw data file>

In this case, the correction will be applied to the stimulus channels ‘STI101’ and ‘STI201’.



Prints the usage information.


Prints the usage information.


Skip conversion of the original MRI data. The original data are not needed and the preparatory steps 1.-3. listed below are thus not needed.


The 30-degree flip angle data are not used.

--unwarp  <*type*>

Run grad_unwarp with --unwarp <type> option on each of the converted data sets.


Import Magnes WH3600 reference channel data from a text file.

--in <name>

The name of the fif file containing the helmet data.

--ref <name>

The name of the text file containing the reference channel data.

--out <name>

The output fif file.


The utility mne_kit2fiff was created in collaboration with Alec Maranz and Asaf Bachrach to import their MEG data acquired with the 160-channel KIT MEG system to MNE software.

To import the data, the following input files are mandatory:

  • The Polhemus data file (elp file) containing the locations of the fiducials and the head-position indicator (HPI) coils. These data are usually given in the CTF/4D head coordinate system. However, mne_kit2fiff does not rely on this assumption. This file can be exported directly from the KIT system.
  • A file containing the locations of the HPI coils in the MEG device coordinate system. These data are used together with the elp file to establish the coordinate transformation between the head and device coordinate systems. This file can be produced easily by manually editing one of the files exported by the KIT system.
  • A sensor data file (sns file) containing the locations and orientations of the sensors. This file can be exported directly from the KIT system.


The output fif file will use the Neuromag head coordinate system convention, see The head and device coordinate systems. A coordinate transformation between the CTF/4D head coordinates and the Neuromag head coordinates is included. This transformation can be read with MNE Matlab Toolbox routines, see Matlab toolbox.

The following input files are optional:

  • A head shape data file (hsp file) containing locations of additional points from the head surface. These points must be given in the same coordinate system as that used for the elp file and the fiducial locations must be within 1 mm from those in the elp file.
  • A raw data file containing the raw data values, sample by sample, as text. If this file is not specified, the output fif file will only contain the measurement info block.

By default mne_kit2fiff includes the first 157 channels, assumed to be the MEG channels, in the output file. The compensation channel data are not converted by default but can be added, together with other channels, with the --type . The channels from 160 onwards are designated as miscellaneous input channels (MISC 001, MISC 002, etc.). The channel names and types of these channels can be afterwards changed with the mne_rename_channels utility. In addition, it is possible to synthesize the digital trigger channel (STI 014) from available analog trigger channel data, see the --stim option, below. The synthesized trigger channel data value at sample \(k\) will be:

\[s(k) = \sum_{p = 1}^n {t_p(k) 2^{p - 1}}\ ,\]

where \(t_p(k)\) are the thresholded from the input channel data d_p(k):

\[\begin{split}t_p(k) = \Bigg\{ \begin{array}{l} 0 \text{ if } d_p(k) \leq t\\ 1 \text{ if } d_p(k) > t \end{array}\ .\end{split}\]

The threshold value \(t\) can be adjusted with the --stimthresh option, see below.

mne_kit2fiff accepts the following command-line options:

--elp <*filename*>

The name of the file containing the locations of the fiducials and the HPI coils. This option is mandatory.

--hsp <*filename*>

The name of the file containing the locations of the fiducials and additional points on the head surface. This file is optional.

--sns <*filename*>

The name of file containing the sensor locations and orientations. This option is mandatory.

--hpi <*filename*>

The name of a text file containing the locations of the HPI coils in the MEG device coordinate frame, given in millimeters. The order of the coils in this file does not have to be the same as that in the elp file. This option is mandatory.

--raw <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the raw data file. If this file is not specified, the output fif file will only contain the measurement info block.

--sfreq <*value/Hz*>

The sampling frequency of the data. If this option is not specified, the sampling frequency defaults to 1000 Hz.

--lowpass <*value/Hz*>

The lowpass filter corner frequency used in the data acquisition. If not specified, this value defaults to 200 Hz.

--highpass <*value/Hz*>

The highpass filter corner frequency used in the data acquisition. If not specified, this value defaults to 0 Hz (DC recording).

--out <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the output fif format data file. If this file is not specified, no output is produced but the elp , hpi , and hsp files are processed normally.

--stim <*chs*>

Specifies a colon-separated list of numbers of channels to be used to synthesize a digital trigger channel. These numbers refer to the scanning order channels as listed in the sns file, starting from one. The digital trigger channel will be the last channel in the file. If this option is absent, the output file will not contain a trigger channel.

--stimthresh <*value*>

The threshold value used when synthesizing the digital trigger channel, see above. Defaults to 1.0.

--add <*chs*>

Specifies a colon-separated list of numbers of channels to include between the 157 default MEG channels and the digital trigger channel. These numbers refer to the scanning order channels as listed in the sns file, starting from one.


The mne_kit2fiff utility has not been extensively tested yet.


The utility mne_list_bem outputs the BEM meshes in text format. The default output data contains the x, y, and z coordinates of the vertices, listed in millimeters, one vertex per line.

The command-line options are:

--bem <*name*>

The BEM file to be listed. The file name normally ends with -bem.fif or -bem-sol.fif .

--out <*name*>

The output file name.

--id <*number*>

Identify the surface to be listed. The surfaces are numbered starting with the innermost surface. Thus, for a three-layer model the surface numbers are: 4 = scalp, 3 = outer skull, 1 = inner skull Default value is 4.


List the surfaces in the format required by Thom Oostendorp’s gdipoli program. This is also the default input format for mne_surf2bem .


List the surface coordinates in meters instead of millimeters.


Write the output in the binary FreeSurfer format.


Write a file compatible with xfit. This is the same effect as using the options --gdipoli and --meters together.


List available coil definitions.

--in <def>

Validate a coil definition file.

--out <name>

List the coil definitions to this file (default: stdout).

--type <type>

Coil type to list.


--in <name>

Input file.

--ascin <name>

Input file.

--exclude <name>

Exclude these channels from the projection (set entries to zero).

--chs <name>

Specify a file which contains a channel selection for the output (useful for graph)

--asc <name>

Text output.

--fif <name>

Fif output.

--lisp <name>

Lisp output.


The utility mne_list_source_space outputs the source space information into text files suitable for loading into the Neuromag MRIlab software.

--src <*name*>

The source space to be listed. This can be either the output from mne_make_source_space (*src.fif), output from the forward calculation (*fwd.fif), or the output from the inverse operator decomposition (*inv.fif).

--mri <*name*>

A file containing the transformation between the head and MRI coordinates is specified with this option. This file can be either a Neuromag MRI description file, the output from the forward calculation (*fwd.fif), or the output from the inverse operator decomposition (*inv.fif). If this file is included, the output will be in head coordinates. Otherwise the source space will be listed in MRI coordinates.

--dip <*name*>

Specifies the ‘stem’ for the Neuromag text format dipole files to be output. Two files will be produced: <stem> -lh.dip and <stem> -rh.dip. These correspond to the left and right hemisphere part of the source space, respectively. This source space data can be imported to MRIlab through the File/Import/Dipoles menu item.

--pnt <*name*>

Specifies the ‘stem’ for Neuromag text format point files to be output. Two files will be produced: <stem> -lh.pnt and <stem> -rh.pnt. These correspond to the left and right hemisphere part of the source space, respectively. This source space data can be imported to MRIlab through the File/Import/Strings menu item.

--exclude <*name*>

Exclude the source space points defined by the given FreeSurfer ‘label’ file from the output. The name of the file should end with -lh.label if it refers to the left hemisphere and with -rh.label if it lists points in the right hemisphere, respectively.

--include <*name*>

Include only the source space points defined by the given FreeSurfer ‘label’ file to the output. The file naming convention is the same as described above under the --exclude option. Are ‘include’ labels are processed before the ‘exclude’ labels.


Include all nodes in the output files instead of only those active in the source space. Note that the output files will be huge if this option is active.


The utility mne_list_versions lists version numbers and compilation dates of all software modules that provide this information. This administration utility is located in $MNE_ROOT/bin/admin , The output from mne_list_versions or output of individual modules with --version option is useful when bugs are reported to the developers of MNE software.


The utility mne_make_cor_set creates a fif format MRI description file optionally including the MRI data using FreeSurfer MRI volume data as input. The command-line options are:

--dir <*directory*>

Specifies a directory containing the MRI volume in COR format. Any previous --mgh options are cancelled when this option is encountered.


Include the pixel data to the output file. This option is implied with the --mgh option.

--mgh <*name*>

An MRI volume volume file in mgh or mgz format. The --withdata option is implied with this type of input. Furthermore, the \(T_3\) transformation, the Talairach transformation \(T_4\) from the talairach.xfm file referred to in the MRI volume, and the the fixed transforms \(T_-\) and \(T_+\) will added to the output file. For definition of the coordinate transformations, see MEG/EEG and MRI coordinate systems.

--talairach <*name*>

Take the Talairach transform from this file instead of the one specified in mgh/mgz files.

--out <*name*>

Specifies the output file, which is a fif-format MRI description file.



In mne_browse_raw , channel derivations are defined as linear combinations of real channels existing in the data files. The utility mne_make_derivations reads derivation data from a suitably formatted text file and produces a fif file containing the weights of derived channels as a sparse matrix. Two input file formats are accepted:

  • A file containing arithmetic expressions defining the derivations and
  • A file containing a matrix which specifies the weights of the channels in each derivation.

Both of these formats are described in

Command-line options

mne_make_derivations recognizes the following command-line options:

--in  <*name*>

Specifies a measurement file which contains the EEG electrode locations. This file is not modified.

--inmat  <*name*>

Specifies the output file where the layout is stored. Suffix .lout is recommended for layout files. mne_analyze and mne_browse_raw look for the custom layout files from the directory $HOME/.mne/lout .


Indicates that the file specified with the --inmat option contains a transpose of the derivation matrix.

--thresh  <*value*>

Specifies the threshold between values to be considered zero and non-zero in the input file specified with the --inmat option. The default threshold is \(10^{-6}\).

--out  <*name*>

Specifies output fif file to contain the derivation data. The recommended name of the derivation file has the format <\(name\)> -deriv.fif .

--list  <*name*>

List the contents of a derivation file to standard output. If this option is missing and --out is specified, the content of the output file will be listed once it is complete. If neither --list nor --out is present, and --in or --inmat is specified, the interpreted contents of the input file is listed.

Derivation file formats

All lines in the input files starting with the pound sign (#) are considered to be comments. The format of a derivation in a arithmetic input file is:

\[\langle name \rangle = [\langle w_1 \rangle *] \langle name_1 \rangle + [\langle w_2 \rangle *] \langle name_2 \rangle \dotso\]

where <\(name\)> is the name of the derived channel, \(name_k\) are the names of the channels comprising the derivation, and \(w_k\) are their weights. Note that spaces are necessary between the items. Channel names containing spaces must be put in quotes. For example,

EEG-diff = "EEG 003" - "EEG 002"

defines a channel EEG-diff which is a difference between EEG 003 and EEG 002 . Similarly,

EEG-der = 3 * "EEG 010" - 2 * "EEG 002"

defines a channel which is three times EEG 010 minus two times EEG 002 .

The format of a matrix derivation file is:

\[\langle nrow \rangle \langle ncol \rangle \langle names\ of\ the\ input\ channels \rangle \langle name_1 \rangle \langle weights \rangle \dotso\]

The combination of the two arithmetic examples, above can be thus represented as:

2 3 "EEG 002" "EEG 003" "EEG 010" EEG-diff -1 1  0 EEG-der -2 0  3

Before a derivation is accepted to use by mne_browse_raw , the following criteria have to be met:

  • All channels to be combined into a single derivation must have identical units of measure.
  • All channels in a single derivation have to be of the same kind, e.g., MEG channels or EEG channels.
  • All channels specified in a derivation have to be present in the currently loaded data set.

The validity check is done when a derivation file is loaded into mne_browse_raw , see Load derivations.


You might consider renaming the EEG channels with descriptive labels related to the standard 10-20 system using the mne_rename_channels utility. This allows you to use standard EEG channel names in the derivations you define as well as in the channel selection files used in mne_browse_raw , see Selection.



Both MNE software (mne_analyze and mne_browse_raw) and Neuromag software (xplotter and xfit) employ text layout files to create topographical displays of MEG and EEG data. While the MEG channel layout is fixed, the EEG layout varies from experiment to experiment, depending on the number of electrodes used and the electrode cap configuration. The utility mne_make_eeg_layout was created to produce custom EEG layout files based on the EEG electrode location information included in the channel description records.

mne_make_eeg_layout uses azimuthal equidistant projection to map the EEG channel locations onto a plane. The mapping consists of the following steps:

  • A sphere is fitted to the electrode locations and the locations are translated by the location of the origin of the best-fitting sphere.
  • The spherical coordinates (\(r_k\), \(\theta_k\), and \(\phi_k\)) corresponding to each translated electrode location are computed.
  • The projected locations \(u_k = R \theta_k \cos{\phi_k}\) and \(v_k = R \theta_k \sin{\phi_k}\) are computed. By default, \(R = 20/{^{\pi}/_2}\), i.e. at the equator (\(\theta = ^{\pi}/_2\)) the multiplier is 20. This projection radius can be adjusted with the --prad option. Increasing or decreasing \(R\) makes the spacing between the channel viewports larger or smaller, respectively.
  • A viewport with width 5 and height 4 is placed centered at the projected location. The width and height of the viewport can be adjusted with the --width and --height options

The command-line options are:

--lout  <*name*>

Specifies the name of the layout file to be output.


Do not fit a sphere to the electrode locations but use a standard sphere center (\(x = y = 0\), and \(z = 40\) mm) instead.

--prad  <*value*>

Specifies a non-standard projection radius \(R\), see above.

--width  <*value*>

Specifies the width of the viewports. Default value = 5.

--height  <*value*>

Specifies the height of the viewports. Default value = 4.


Prepare the mapping data for subject-to-subject morphing.


Recompute the morphing maps even if they already exist.

--from <subject>

Compute morphing maps from this subject.

--to <subject>

Compute morphing maps to this subject.


Do all combinations. If this is used without either --from or --to options, morphing maps for all possible combinations are computed. If --from or --to is present, only maps between the specified subject and all others are computed.


Because all morphing map files contain maps in both directions, the choice of --from and --to options only affect the naming of the morphing map files to be produced. mne_make_morph_maps creates directory $SUBJECTS_DIR/morph-maps if necessary.


The output will have a time range from -100 to 300 ms. There will be one cycle of 5-Hz sine wave, with the peaks at 50 and 150 ms

--src <name>

Source space to use.

--stc <name>

Stc file to produce.

--maxval <value>

Maximum value (at 50 ms, default 10).


Include all points to the output files.


This utility adds or replaces information about unusable (bad) channels. The command line options are:

--bad  <*filename*>

Specify a text file containing the names of the bad channels, one channel name per line. The names of the channels in this file must match those in the data file exactly. If this option is missing, the bad channel information is cleared.

<*data file name*>

The remaining arguments are taken as data file names to be modified.


Morph label files from one brain to another.

--from <*subject*>

Name of the subject for which the labels were originally defined.

--to <*subject*>

Name of the subject for which the morphed labels should be created.

--labeldir <*directory*>

A directory containing the labels to morph.

--prefix <prefix>

Adds <prefix> in the beginning of the output label names. A dash will be inserted between <prefix> and the rest of the name.

--smooth <number>

Apply smoothing with the indicated number of iteration steps (see About smoothing) to the labels before morphing them. This is advisable because otherwise the resulting labels may have little holes in them since the morphing map is not a bijection. By default, two smoothsteps are taken.

As the labels are morphed, a directory with the name of the subject specified with the --to option is created under the directory specified with --labeldir to hold the morphed labels.


--bem <*name*>

Specify the name of the file containing the triangulations of the BEM surfaces and the conductivities of the compartments. The standard ending for this file is -bem.fif and it is produced either with the utility mne_surf2bem (Creating the BEM meshes) or the convenience script mne_setup_forward_model, see Setting up the boundary-element model.

--sol <*name*>

Specify the name of the file containing the triangulation and conductivity information together with the BEM geometry matrix computed by mne_prepare_bem_model . The standard ending for this file is -bem-sol.fif .

--method <*approximation method*>

Select the BEM approach. If <approximation method> is constant , the BEM basis functions are constant functions on each triangle and the collocation points are the midpoints of the triangles. With linear , the BEM basis functions are linear functions on each triangle and the collocation points are the vertices of the triangulation. This is the preferred method to use. The accuracy will be the same or better than in the constant collocation approach with about half the number of unknowns in the BEM equations.


--stc <name>

Specify the stc file to process.

--out <name>

Specify a stc output file name.

--outasc <name>

Specify a text output file name.

--scaleto <scale>

Scale the data so that the maximum is this value.

--scaleby <scale>

Multiply the values by this.


The utility mne_raw2mat converts all or selected channels from a raw data file to a Matlab mat file. In addition, this utility can provide information about the raw data file so that the raw data can be read directly from the original fif file using Matlab file I/O routines.


The MNE Matlab toolbox described in Matlab toolbox provides direct access to raw fif files without a need for conversion to mat file format first. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the Matlab toolbox rather than mne_raw2mat which creates large files occupying disk space unnecessarily.

Command-line options

mne_raw2mat accepts the following command-line options:

--raw <*name*>

Specifies the name of the raw data fif file to convert.

--mat <*name*>

Specifies the name of the destination Matlab file.


With this option present, only information about the raw data file is included. The raw data itself is omitted.

--sel <*name*>

Specifies a text file which contains the names of the channels to include in the output file, one channel name per line. If the --info option is specified, --sel does not have any effect.

--tag <*tag*>

By default, all Matlab variables included in the output file start with mne\_. This option changes the prefix to <tag> _.

Matlab data structures

The Matlab files output by mne_raw2mat can contain two data structures, <tag>_raw and <tag>_raw_info . If --info option is specifed, the file contains the latter structure only.

The <tag>_raw structure contains only one field, data which is a matrix containing the raw data. Each row of this matrix constitutes the data from one channel in the original file. The data type of this matrix is the same of the original data (2-byte signed integer, 4-byte signed integer, or single-precision float).

The fields of the <tag>_raw_info structure are listed in The fields of the raw data info structure.. Further explanation of the bufs field is provided in The bufs member of the raw data info structure..

The fields of the raw data info structure.
Variable Size Description
orig_file string The name of the original fif file specified with the --raw option.
nchan 1 Number of channels.
nsamp 1 Total number of samples
bufs nbuf x 4 This field is present if --info option was specified on the command line. For details, see The bufs member of the raw data info structure..
sfreq 1 The sampling frequency in Hz.
lowpass 1 Lowpass filter frequency (Hz)
highpass 1 Highpass filter frequency (Hz)
ch_names nchan (string) String array containing the names of the channels included
ch_types nchan x 2 The column lists the types of the channesl (1 = MEG, 2 = EEG). The second column lists the coil types, see Normal coil descriptions. and Accurate coil descriptions. For EEG electrodes, this value equals one.
ch_lognos nchan x 1 Logical channel numbers as listed in the fiff file
ch_units nchan x 2 Units and unit multipliers as listed in the fif file. The unit of the data is listed in the first column (T = 112, T/m = 201, V = 107). At present, the second column will be always zero, i.e., no unit multiplier.
ch_pos nchan x 12 The location information for each channel. The first three values specify the origin of the sensor coordinate system or the location of the electrode. For MEG channels, the following nine number specify the x, y, and z-direction unit vectors of the sensor coordinate system. For EEG electrodes the first vector after the electrode location specifies the location of the reference electrode. If the reference is not specified this value is all zeroes. The remaining unit vectors are irrelevant for EEG electrodes.
ch_cals nchan x 2 The raw data output by mne_raw2mat is uncalibrated. The first column is the range member of the fiff data structures and while the second is the cal member. To get calibrared data values in the units given in ch_units from the raw data, the data must be multiplied with the product of range and cal .
meg_head_trans 4 x 4 The coordinate frame transformation from the MEG device coordinates to the MEG head coordinates.
The bufs member of the raw data info structure.
Column Contents
1 The raw data type (2 or 16 = 2-byte signed integer, 3 = 4-byte signed integer, 4 = single-precision float). All data in the fif file are written in the big-endian byte order. The raw data are stored sample by sample.
2 Byte location of this buffer in the original fif file.
3 First sample of this buffer. Since raw data storing can be switched on and off during the acquisition, there might be gaps between the end of one buffer and the beginning of the next.
4 Number of samples in the buffer.


Sometimes it is necessary to change the names types of channels in MEG/EEG data files. Such situations include:

  • Designating an EEG as an EOG channel. For example, the EOG channels are not recognized as such in the fif files converted from CTF data files.
  • Changing the name of the digital trigger channel of interest to STI 014 so that mne_browse_raw and mne_process_raw will recognize the correct channel without the need to specify the --digtrig option or the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable every time a data file is loaded.

The utility mne_rename_channels was designed to meet the above needs. It recognizes the following command-line options:

--fif  <*name*>

Specifies the name of the data file to modify.

--alias  <*name*>

Specifies the text file which contains the modifications to be applied, see below.


Reverse the roles of old and new channel names in the alias file.

Each line in the alias file contains the old name and new name for a channel, separated by a colon. The old name is a name of one of the channels presently in the file and the new name is the name to be assigned to it. The old name must match an existing channel name in the file exactly. The new name may be followed by another colon and a number which is the channel type to be assigned to this channel. The channel type options are listed below.

Channel types.
Channel type Corresponding number
MCG 201
EOG 202
EMG 302
ECG 402
MISC 502


Do not attempt to designate MEG channels to EEG channels or vice versa. This may result in strange errors during source estimation.


You might consider renaming the EEG channels with descriptive labels related to the standard 10-20 system. This allows you to use standard EEG channel names when defining derivations, see mne_make_derivations and Load derivations, as well as in the channel selection files used in mne_browse_raw , see Selection.



mne_sensitivity_map computes the size of the columns of the forward operator and outputs the result in w files.

Command line options

mne_sensitivity_map accepts the following command-line options:

--fwd  <*name*>

Specifies a forward solution file to analyze. By default the MEG forward solution is considered.

--proj  <*name*>

Specifies a file containing an SSP operator to be applied. If necessary, multiple --proj options can be specified. For map types 1 - 4 (see below), SSP is applied to the forward model data. For map types 5 and 6, the effects of SSP are evaluated against the unmodified forward model.


Use the EEG forward solution instead of the MEG one. It does not make sense to consider a combination because of the different units of measure. For the same reason, gradiometers and magnetometers have to be handled separately, see --mag option below. By default MEG gradiometers are included.


Include MEG magnetometers instead of gradiometers

--w  <*name*>

Specifies the stem of the output w files. To obtain the final output file names, -lh.w and -rh.w is appended for the left and right hemisphere, respectively.

--smooth  <*number*>

Specifies the number of smooth steps to apply to the resulting w files. Default: no smoothing.

--map  <*number*>

Select the type of a sensitivity map to compute. At present, valid numbers are 1 - 6. For details, see Available sensitivity maps, below.

Available sensitivity maps

In the following, let

\[G_k = [g_{xk} g_{yk} g_{zk}]\]

denote the three consecutive columns of the gain matrix \(G\) corresponding to the fields of three orthogonal dipoles at source space location \(k\). Further, lets assume that the source coordinate system has been selected so that the \(z\) -axis points to the cortical normal direction and the \(xy\) plane is thus the tangent plane of the cortex at the source space location \(k\) Next, compute the SVD

\[G_k = U_k \Lambda_k V_k\]

and let \(g_{1k} = u_{1k} \lambda_{1k}\), where \(\lambda_{1k}\) and \(u_{1k}\) are the largest singular value and the corresponding left singular vector of \(G_k\), respectively. It is easy to see that \(g_{1k}\) is has the largest power among the signal distributions produced by unit dipoles at source space location \(k\).

Furthermore, assume that the colums orthogonal matrix \(U_P\) (\(U_P^T U_P = I\)) contain the orthogonal basis of the noise subspace corresponding to the signal space projection (SSP) operator \(P\) specified with one or more --proj options so that \(P = I - U_P U_P^T\). For more information on SSP, see The Signal-Space Projection (SSP) method.

With these definitions the map selections defined with the --map option correspond to the following

--map 1

Compute \(\sqrt{g_{1k}^T g_{1k}} = \lambda_{1k}\) at each source space point. Normalize the result so that the maximum values equals one.

--map 2

Compute \(\sqrt{g_z^T g_z}\) at each source space point. Normalize the result so that the maximum values equals one. This is the amplitude of the signals produced by unit dipoles normal to the cortical surface.

--map 3

Compute \(\sqrt{g_z^T g_z / g_{1k}^T g_{1k}}\) at each source space point.

--map 4

Compute \(1 - \sqrt{g_z^T g_z / g_{1k}^T g_{1k}}\) at each source space point. This could be called the radiality index.

--map 5

Compute the subspace correlation between \(g_z\) and \(U_P\): \(\text{subcorr}^2(g_z , U_P) = (g_z^T U_P U_P^T g_z)/(g_z^T g_z)\). This index equals zero, if \(g_z\) is orthogonal to \(U_P\) and one if \(g_z\) lies in the subspace defined by \(U_P\). This map shows how close the field pattern of a dipole oriented perpendicular to the cortex at each cortical location is to the subspace removed by the SSP.

--map 6

Compute \(\sqrt{g_z^T P g_z / g_z^T g_z}\), which is the fraction of the field pattern of a dipole oriented perpendicular to the cortex at each cortical location remaining after applying the SSP a dipole remaining


--meas <name>

Measurement file.


Magnetometers only.


Output sensor ellipsoids for MRIlab.


Output direction info as well.


Output in MEG device coordinates.

--out <name>

Name output file


Using the utility mne_show_fiff it is possible to display information about the contents of a fif file to the standard output. The command line options for mne_show_fiff are:

--in  <*name*>

Specifies the fif file whose contents will be listed.


Produce a verbose output. The data of most tags is included in the output. This excludes matrices and vectors. Only the first 80 characters of strings are listed unless the --long option is present.


Only list the blocks (the tree structure) of the file. The tags within each block are not listed.

--indent  <*number*>

Number of spaces for indentation for each deeper level in the tree structure of the fif files. The default indentation is 3 spaces in terse and no spaces in verbose listing mode.


List all data from string tags instead of the first 80 characters. This options has no effect unless the --verbose option is also present.

--tag  <*number*>

List only tags of this kind. Multiple --tag options can be specified to list several different kinds of data.

mne_show_fiff reads the explanations of tag kinds, block kinds, and units from $MNE_ROOT/share/mne/fiff_explanations.txt .



The utility mne_simu creates simulated evoked response data for investigation of the properties of the inverse solutions. It computes MEG signals generated by dipoles normal to the cortical mantle at one or several ROIs defined with label files. Colored noise can be added to the signals.

Command-line options

mne_simu has the following command-line options:

--fwd  <*name*>

Specify a forward solution file to employ in the simulation.

--label  <*name*>

Specify a label


Provide MEG data in the output file.


Provide EEG data in the output file.

--out  <*name*>

Specify the output file. By default, this will be an evoked data file in the fif format.


Output the data as a raw data fif file instead of an evoked one.


Produce Matlab output of the simulated fields instead of the fif evoked file.

--label  <*name*>

Define an ROI. Several label files can be present. By default, the sources in the labels will have \(\cos^2\) -shaped non-overlapping timecourses, see below.

--timecourse  <*name*>

Specifies a text file which contains an expression for a source time course, see Source waveform expressions. If no –timecourse options are present, the standard source time courses described in Simulated data are used. Otherwise, the time course expressions are read from the files specified. The time course expressions are associated with the labels in the order they are specified. If the number of expressions is smaller than the number of labels, the last expression specified will reused for the remaining labels.

--sfreq  <*freq/Hz*>

Specifies the sampling frequency of the output data (default = 1000 Hz). This option is used only with the time course files.

--tmin  <*time/ms*>

Specifies the starting time of the data, used only with time course files (default -200 ms).

--tmax  <*time/ms*>

Specifies the ending time of the data, used only with time course files (default 500 ms).

--seed  <*number*>

Specifies the seed for random numbers. This seed is used both for adding noise, see Noise simulation and for random numbers in source waveform expressions, see Source waveform expressions. If no seed is specified, the current time in seconds since Epoch (January 1, 1970) is used.


Activate all sources on the cortical surface uniformly. This overrides the --label options.

Noise simulation

Noise is added to the signals if the --senscov and --nave options are present. If --nave is omitted the number of averages is set to \(L = 100\). The noise is computed by first generating vectors of Gaussian random numbers \(n(t)\) with \(n_j(t) \sim N(0,1)\). Thereafter, the noise-covariance matrix \(C\) is used to color the noise:

\[n_c(t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L}} \Lambda U^T n(t)\ ,\]

where we have used the eigenvalue decomposition positive-definite covariance matrix:

\[C = U \Lambda^2 U^T\ .\]

Note that it is assumed that the noise-covariance matrix is given for raw data, i.e., for \(L = 1\).

Simulated data

The default source waveform \(q_k\) for the \(k^{th}\) label is nonzero at times \(t_{kp} = (100(k - 1) + p)/f_s\), \(p = 0 \dotso 100\) with:

\[q_k(t_{kp}) = Q_k \cos^2{(\frac{\pi p}{100} - \frac{\pi}{2})}\ ,\]

i.e., the source waveforms are non-overlapping 100-samples wide \(\cos^2\) pulses. The sampling frequency \(f_s = 600\) Hz. The source amplitude \(Q_k\) is determined so that the strength of each of the dipoles in a label will be \(50 \text{nAm}/N_k\).

Let us denote the sums of the magnetic fields and electric potentials produced by the dipoles normal to the cortical mantle at label \(k\) by \(x_k\). The simulated signals are then:

\[x(t_j) = \sum_{k = 1}^{N_s} {q_k(t_j) x_k + n_c(t_j)}\ ,\]

where \(N_s\) is the number of sources.

Source waveform expressions

The --timecourse option provides flexible possibilities to define the source waveforms in a functional form. The source waveform expression files consist of lines of the form:

<variable> = <arithmetic expression>

Each file may contain multiple lines. At the end of the evaluation, only the values in the variable y (q ) are significant, see Available variable names in source waveform expressions.. They assume the role of \(q_k(t_j)\) to compute the simulated signals as described in Simulated data, above.

All expressions are case insensitive. The variables are vectors with the length equal to the number of samples in the responses, determined by the --tmin , --tmax , and --sfreq options. The available variables are listed in Available variable names in source waveform expressions..

Available variable names in source waveform expressions.
Variable Meaning
x time [s]
t current value of x in [ms]
y the source amplitude [Am]
q synonym for y
a , b , c , d help variables, initialized to zeros

The arithmetic expressions can use usual arithmetic operations as well as mathematical functions listed in Mathematical functions available for source waveform expressions. The arguments can be vectors or scalar numbers. In addition, standard relational operators ( <, >, ==, <=, >=) and their textual equivalents (lt, gt, eq, le, ge) are available. Table Examples of source waveform expressions. gives some useful examples of source waveform expressions.

Mathematical functions available for source waveform expressions
Function Description
abs(x) absolute value
acos(x) \(\cos^{-1}x\)
asin(x) \(\sin^{-1}x\)
atan(x) \(\tan^{-1}x\)
atan2(x,y) \(\tan^{-1}(^y/_x)\)
ceil(x) nearest integer larger than \(x\)
cos(x) \(\cos x\)
cosw(x,a,b,c) \(\cos^2\) -shaped window centered at \(b\) with a rising slope of length \(a\) and a trailing slope of length \(b\).
deg(x) The value of \(x\) converted to from radians to degrees
erf(x) \(\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_0^x{\text{exp}(-t^2)dt}\)
erfc(x) \(1 - \text{erf}(x)\)
exp(x) \(e^x\)
floor(x) Largest integer value not larger than \(x\)
hypot(x,y) \(\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\)
ln(x) \(\ln x\)
log(x) \(\log_{10} x\)
maxp(x,y) Takes the maximum between \(x\) and \(y\)
minp(x,y) Takes the minimum between \(x\) and \(y\)
mod(x,y) Gives the remainder of \(x\) divided by \(y\)
pi Ratio of the circumference of a circle and its diameter.
rand Gives a vector of uniformly distributed random numbers from 0 to 1.
rnorm(x,y) Gives a vector of Gaussian random numbers distributed as \(N(x,y)\). Note that if \(x\) and \(y\) are vectors, each number generated will a different mean and variance according to the arguments.
shift(x,s) Shifts the values in the input vector \(x\) by the number of positions given by \(s\). Note that \(s\) must be a scalar.
sin(x) \(\sin x\)
sqr(x) \(x^2\)
sqrt(x) \(\sqrt{x}\)
tan(x) \(\tan x\)
Examples of source waveform expressions.
Expression Meaning
q = 20e-9*sin(2*pi*10*x) A 10-Hz sine wave with 20 nAm amplitude
q = 20e-9*sin(2*pi*2*x)*sin(2*pi*10*x) A 10-Hz 20-nAm sine wave, amplitude modulated sinusoidally at 2 Hz.
q = 20e-9*cosw(t,100,100,100) \(\cos^2\)-shaped pulse, centered at \(t\) = 100 ms with 100 ms leading and trailing slopes, 20 nAm amplitude
q = 30e-9*(t > 0)*(t <* 300)*sin(2*pi*20*x) 20-Hz sine wave, 30 nAm amplitude, cropped in time to 0…300 ms.


Produce a smoothed version of a w or an stc file

--src <name>

The source space file.

--in <name>

The w or stc file to smooth.

--smooth <val>

Number of smoothsteps


--surf <*name*>

Specifies a FreeSurfer binary format surface file. Before specifying the next surface (--surf or --tri options) details of the surface specification can be given with the options listed in Surface options.

--tri <*name*>

Specifies a text format surface file. Before specifying the next surface (--surf or --tri options) details of the surface specification can be given with the options listed in Surface options. The format of these files is described in Tessellation file format.


Check that the surfaces are complete and that they do not intersect. This is a recommended option. For more information, see Topology checks.


In addition to the checks implied by the --check option, check skull and skull thicknesses. For more information, see Topology checks.

--fif <*name*>

The output fif file containing the BEM. These files normally reside in the bem subdirectory under the subject’s mri data. A name ending with -bem.fif is recommended.

Surface options

These options can be specified after each --surf or --tri option to define details for the corresponding surface.


Swap the ordering or the triangle vertices. The standard convention in the MNE software is to have the vertices ordered so that the vector cross product of the vectors from vertex 1 to 2 and 1 to 3 gives the direction of the outward surface normal. Text format triangle files produced by the some software packages have an opposite order. For these files, the --swap . option is required. This option does not have any effect on the interpretation of the FreeSurfer surface files specified with the --surf option.

--sigma <*value*>

The conductivity of the compartment inside this surface in S/m.

--shift <*value/mm*>

Shift the vertices of this surface by this amount, given in mm, in the outward direction, i.e., in the positive vertex normal direction.


The vertex coordinates of this surface are given in meters instead of millimeters. This option applies to text format files only. This definition does not affect the units of the shift option.

--id <*number*>

Identification number to assign to this surface. (1 = inner skull, 3 = outer skull, 4 = scalp).

--ico <*number*>

Downsample the surface to the designated subdivision of an icosahedron. This option is relevant (and required) only if the triangulation is isomorphic with a recursively subdivided icosahedron. For example, the surfaces produced by with mri_watershed are isomorphic with the 5th subdivision of a an icosahedron thus containing 20480 triangles. However, this number of triangles is too large for present computers. Therefore, the triangulations have to be decimated. Specifying --ico 4 yields 5120 triangles per surface while --ico 3 results in 1280 triangles. The recommended choice is --ico 4 .


Toggle skip tags on and off.

--raw <name>

The raw data file to process.



mne_transform_points applies the coordinate transformation relating the MEG head coordinates and the MRI coordinates to a set of locations listed in a text file.

Command line options

mne_transform_points accepts the following command-line options:

--in  <*name*>

Specifies the input file. The file must contain three numbers on each line which are the x, y, and z coordinates of point in space. By default, the input is in millimeters.

--iso  <*name*>

Specifies a name of a fif file containing Isotrak data. If this option is present file will be used as the input instead of the text file specified with the --in option.

--trans  <*name*>

Specifies the name of a fif file containing the coordinate transformation between the MEG head coordinates and MRI coordinates. If this file is not present, the transformation will be replaced by a unit transform.

--out  <*name*>

Specifies the output file. This file has the same format as the input file.


Output the data in the head points (hpts) format accepted by tkmedit . In this format, the coordinates are preceded by a point category (hpi, cardinal or fiducial, eeg, extra) and a sequence number, see The hpts format.


The coordinates are listed in meters rather than millimeters.


By default, the coordinates are transformed from MRI coordinates to MEG head coordinates. This option reverses the transformation to be from MEG head coordinates to MRI coordinates.


--raw <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the raw data file to process.

--cal <*filename*>

The name of the calibration data file. If calibration data are missing, the calibration coefficients will be set to unity.

--elp <*filename*>

The name of the electrode location file. If this file is missing, the electrode locations will be unspecified. This file is in the “probe” file format used by the Source Signal Imaging, Inc. software. For description of the format, see http://www.sourcesignal.com/formats_probe.html. The fiducial marker locations, optional in the “probe” file format specification are mandatory for mne_tufts2fiff . Note that some other software packages may produce electrode-position files with the elp ending not conforming to the above specification.


The conversion process includes a transformation from the Tufts head coordinate system convention to that used in the Neuromag systems.


The fiducial landmark locations, optional in the probe file format, must be present for mne_tufts2fiff .


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With help of the mne_volume_source_space utility it is possible to create a source space which is defined within a volume rather than a surface. If the --mri option was used in mne_volume_source_space, the source space file contains an interpolator matrix which performs a trilinear interpolation into the voxel space of the MRI volume specified.

The purpose of the mne_volume_data2mri is to produce MRI overlay data compatible with FreeSurfer MRI viewers (in the mgh or mgz formats) from this type of w or stc files.

The command-line options are:

--src <*filename*>

The name of the volumetric source space file created with mne_volume_source_space . The source space must have been created with the --mri option, which adds the appropriate sparse trilinear interpolator matrix to the source space.

--w <*filename*>

The name of a w file to convert into an MRI overlay.

--stc <*filename*>

The name of the stc file to convert into an MRI overlay. If this file has many time frames, the output file may be huge. Note: If both -w and --stc are specified, -w takes precedence.

--scale <*number*>

Multiply the stc or w by this scaling constant before producing the overlay.

--out <*filename*>

Specifies the name of the output MRI overlay file. The name must end with either .mgh or .mgz identifying the uncompressed and compressed FreeSurfer MRI formats, respectively.


--surf <*name*>

Specifies a FreeSurfer surface file containing the surface which will be used as the boundary for the source space.

--bem <*name*>

Specifies a BEM file (ending in -bem.fif ). The inner skull surface will be used as the boundary for the source space.

--origin <*x/mm*> : <*y/mm*> : <*z/mm*>

If neither of the two surface options described above is present, the source space will be spherical with the origin at this location, given in MRI (RAS) coordinates.

--rad <*radius/mm*>

Specifies the radius of a spherical source space. Default value = 90 mm

--grid <*spacing/mm*>

Specifies the grid spacing in the source space.

--mindist <*distance/mm*>

Only points which are further than this distance from the bounding surface are included. Default value = 5 mm.

--exclude <*distance/mm*>

Exclude points that are closer than this distance to the center of mass of the bounding surface. By default, there will be no exclusion.

--mri <*name*>

Specifies a MRI volume (in mgz or mgh format). If this argument is present the output source space file will contain a (sparse) interpolation matrix which allows mne_volume_data2mri to create an MRI overlay file, see mne_volume_data2mri.

--pos <*name*>

Specifies a name of a text file containing the source locations and, optionally, orientations. Each line of the file should contain 3 or 6 values. If the number of values is 3, they indicate the source location, in millimeters. The orientation of the sources will be set to the z-direction. If the number of values is 6, the source orientation will be parallel to the vector defined by the remaining 3 numbers on each line. With --pos , all of the options defined above will be ignored. By default, the source position and orientation data are assumed to be given in MRI coordinates.


If this option is present, the source locations and orientations in the file specified with the --pos option are assumed to be given in the MEG head coordinates.


Indicates that the source locations in the file defined with the --pos option are give in meters instead of millimeters.

--src <*name*>

Specifies the output file name. Use a name * <dir>/ <name>*-src.fif


Include all vertices in the output file, not just those in use. This option is implied when the --mri option is present. Even with the --all option, only those vertices actually selected will be marked to be “in use” in the output source space file.


--subject  <*subject*>

Defines the name of the subject. This can be also accomplished by setting the SUBJECT environment variable.


Overwrite the results of previous run of mne_watershed_bem .


Makes mri_watershed to employ atlas information to correct the segmentation.