evoked : Evoked | Epochs | Raw
The measurement file. Need to have info attribute.
trans : str | ‘auto’ | None
The full path to the *-trans.fif file produced during
coregistration. If present or found using ‘auto’
the maps will be in MRI coordinates.
If None, map for EEG data will not be available.
subject : str | None
The subject name corresponding to FreeSurfer environment
variable SUBJECT. If None, map for EEG data will not be available.
subjects_dir : str
The path to the freesurfer subjects reconstructions.
It corresponds to Freesurfer environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR.
ch_type : None | ‘eeg’ | ‘meg’
If None, a map for each available channel type will be returned.
Else only the specified type will be used.
mode : str
Either ‘accurate’ or ‘fast’, determines the quality of the
Legendre polynomial expansion used. ‘fast’ should be sufficient
for most applications.
meg_surf : str
Should be 'helmet' or 'head' to specify in which surface
to compute the MEG field map. The default value is 'helmet'
origin : array-like, shape (3,) | str
Origin of internal and external multipolar moment space in head
coords and in meters. The default is 'auto' , which means
a head-digitization-based origin fit.
n_jobs : int
The number of jobs to run in parallel.
verbose : bool, str, int, or None