(inst, fmin=0, fmax=inf, tmin=None, tmax=None, bandwidth=None, adaptive=False, low_bias=True, normalization=’length’, picks=None, proj=False, n_jobs=1, verbose=None)[source]¶Compute the power spectral density (PSD) using multitapers.
Calculates spectral density for orthogonal tapers, then averages them together for each channel/epoch. See [1] for a description of the tapers and [2] for the general method.
Parameters: | inst : instance of Epochs or Raw or Evoked
fmin : float
fmax : float
tmin : float | None
tmax : float | None
bandwidth : float
adaptive : bool
low_bias : bool
normalization : str
picks : array-like of int | None
proj : bool
n_jobs : int
verbose : bool, str, int, or None
Returns: | psds : ndarray, shape (…, n_freqs)
freqs : ndarray, shape (n_freqs,)
New in version 0.12.0.
[R59] | Slepian, D. “Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and uncertainty V: The discrete case.” Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 57, 1978. |
[R60] | Percival D.B. and Walden A.T. “Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques.” Cambridge University Press, 1993. |